Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    The three of them went out in good condition, and when they came back, one was fainted and the other was injured. Ah Jiu was shocked and didn't know who to take care of first: "Boss, uncle, what happened? Why are you both injured? And What's wrong with the idiot?"

    Because of blood loss, Jiang Zhaoli's face was pale, his right leg turned from pain to numbness, and it was difficult to stand up while holding on to the railing, Chu Yunzhi was not much better, but he still managed to get off the cow Car, turned around and hugged Jiang Zhaoli.     When they hurriedly moved Erhuo into the house together and saw Jiang Zhaoli and Chu Yunzhi who were also injured sitting on the couch, they were shocked again. After they settled Erhuo, he stepped forward and asked, "Miss Jiang, What happened to you?"     "It's hard to explain." Jiang Zhaoli said, "Why are you all here?"     "Miss Ah Jiu called us to help."     "Where are the children in the school?"     "Miss Jiang, don't worry, there is no alarm. They, Xu Mao and I let them read it first." Jiang     Zhaoli actually wanted to ask if Chu Yiyi noticed something was wrong, the child didn't want to see them hurt, and now that she and Chu Yunzhi are in a mess, it's better not to call him It's good to see it, but I don't want to be too obvious in front of other people in the village, so I didn't ask any more.     After a while, she looked at Chen Shan, "Where's the doctor?"     Ah Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's going on? You called my employer, why did you hurt them? Don't make it clear. This matter is endless!"     Chen Shan sighed, and told the whole story in the future.     After hearing this, Ah Jiu said angrily: "Why is it so good that a stone suddenly fell down? It even went straight to my boss and the others. If my uncle's reaction is a bit slower, their lives will have to be paid for!"

    "Don't..." Jiang Zhaoli was caught off guard, subconsciously wanting to break free.

    Chu Yunzhi didn't intend to let go: "Don't move, the more you move, the more severe the injury on my back will be."

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't dare to move, and was carried into the house obediently.

    Ah Jiu followed beside him step by step, looking at Chu Yunzhi's reddened back and Jiang Zhaoli's half red skirt, he was burning with anxiety. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start, and he woke up suddenly when he was halfway along. : "I'll go find the doctor!" As he said that, he was about to run outside.

    Chen Shan, who was carrying Erhuo on his back, called her: "Ajiu, I have already ordered someone to call, and I guess it will be here in a while. Come and help me, ouch... I'm dead..." Erhuo

    's He was big, more than two ends taller than Chen Shan, and now the weight was all on him, and he was out of breath soon.

    After hearing the words, Ah Jiu hurriedly followed, but found that Er Huo could not be supported by his own strength at all, so he bit his lip and said, "I'll call for help." After speaking, he ran out and disappeared in the blink of an eye


    Chen Shan took a breath, he couldn't move his back anymore, so he put Er Huo on the ground. Fortunately, Ah Jiu came back not long after, followed by Xu Mao and Chen Zishuo, who kept asking what happened, and was also surprised when he came in to see Er Huo, who was unconscious and pale on the ground in the courtyard.

    "What's the matter?"

    "I can't tell for a while, the two gentlemen help me to help Erhuo in together!" Chen Shan said.

    Chen Shan wiped off his sweat, and replied, "Should be coming soon."

    Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, and as soon as Chen Shan finished speaking, the doctor ran away panting Come in, "Li girl! I heard that you are injured? Where is the injury..." He paused for a moment, "Why are you all injured?!"

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