Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Cooperation

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't know that she was being followed all afternoon, and it was almost dusk after she finished copying "Qian Jin Fang", so she woke Xiao Wu who was sleeping, and went to Li's Medical Center together.

    On the way, I bought a jar of osmanthus wine, ten catties of yellow beef, five catties of cake tea, and some bits and pieces of preserved fruit and pastries, and carried large and small bags into the door of Li's Medical Center.

    Li Langzhong is taking a pulse for someone right now, and his apprentice is also busy getting medicine for someone. Jiang Zhaoli waited for the two of them to be free before saying hello: "Li Langzhong." In fact, the two of them had already seen Jiang Zhao who was waiting on the

    side Li, just couldn't get away just now.

    Li Langzhong said: "Miss Jiang? Why are you here? Is your husband's leg injury still not healed?" "It's

    already healed, thanks to your excellent medical skills. I'm here today to ask for something else." Jiang Zhao He put the things in his hand on the table, and then brought out Xiao Wu who was hiding behind her, "There is a child in my family, named Xiao Wu, who wants to work under your hands. Xiao Wu, his name is Uncle Li." "Li

    , Uncle Li."

    Li Langzhong was a little surprised: "Why is there an extra girl in your family? You mean, you want me to take her in as an apprentice?" "A child from a

    relative's family." Jiang Zhaoli said, "Although she is old Small, she can't speak well, but she has a good brain and is clever in doing things, so she won't cause you any trouble. I won't let you teach her for nothing, I will give you five taels of silver every month, and I will treat it as Shuxiu."

    "It's... not a matter of money," Li Langzhong struggled, "There has never been a precedent for a doctor to accept a girl as a student." "

    I understand your concerns, can I speak for a while?"

    Jiang Zhaoli and Li Langzhong went inside House, take out the manuscript of "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions".

    "In addition to five taels of silver per month, I will also provide this regularly."

    Li Langzhong took it and flipped through a few pages, then excitedly said: "Where did you get this book?

    " Man, he gave it to me."

    "To be able to write such a medical book, this man named Sun Simiao must have very profound medical skills. Why have I never heard of his name?" Li Langzhong exclaimed, couldn't help turning a few more pages, and changed his voice, " Alas, it's a pity..."

    Jiang Zhaoli's heart tightened: "What is a pity?"

    "It's a pity, it's really not elegant." Li Langzhong said regretfully.

    Jiang Zhaoli: "..."

    I'm sorry, King Sun Yao, for making you a scapegoat.

    "Cough... this word, as long as you can understand it... how about Li Langzhong, will you teach Xiao Wu? I have more medical books, as long as you are willing to teach them, I will give them to you.

    " "Fang", the more you watch it, the more you can't put it down.

    Why don't you just teach a girl doll? What's the big deal.

    "Teach! I don't need to charge you for the five taels."

    "That's the deal! But I have a condition, that is, you can't disclose the medical book I gave you, and you can't let others know that I gave it to you, including Your apprentice, the content in it can only be taught to the people of Li's Medical Center."

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