Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


    "Obviously." Ah Jiu nodded seriously, "Boss, did you quarrel with my uncle?" "

    You saw it too?" Jiang Zhaoli said depressedly, "No quarrel Ah, I also don't understand why Erlang suddenly got into trouble with me."

    Ah Jiu was also very surprised, Chu Yunzhi had always indulged Jiang Zhaoli, what did her boss do to make Chu Yunzhi willing to treat Jiang Zhaoli? Zhaoli is angry.

    "Boss, can you tell me what happened? Maybe I can give you some advice."

    Jiang Zhaoli thought about it, and it made sense, Ah Jiu was indeed more experienced than her in this area, so he told the matter exactly as it was said.

    Unexpectedly, Ah Jiu was shocked when he heard this: "Boss, you want to leave?!"

    Jiang Zhaoli said strangely: "Why are you so surprised? Isn't it a matter of time? Besides, I'm not leaving now, at least it will take a few days year."

    Ah Jiu blurted out, "What about my uncle?"

    "What does this have to do with Erlang?"

    "Of course it does! My uncle, he..." Ah Jiu's words stopped abruptly.

    "What's wrong with him?"

    Seeing Jiang Zhaoli's unresponsive look, Ah Jiu almost died of panic.

    oops! My master's wooden head!

    But she, an outsider, couldn't point this out, so she had to say: "Young Master, he will be worried." "

    There is nothing to worry about," Jiang Zhaoli said with a smile, "I am not a child anymore." "

    Then ...What about the young master? He will definitely miss you." Ah Jiu suddenly thought of a more deadly question, "What about me? My boss, and me?"

    Jiang Zhaoli actually didn't think about it that much, but she was used to being alone, the people around her in the previous life came and went, and no one stayed behind. No matter what stage she was in, birth, growth, life, and death, she was all alone in the end, and this life should be no exception. Parting is a normal part of life, she has made plans early, and has been mentally prepared, so that it will save her from feeling uncomfortable when the time comes.

    Hearing Ah Jiu's question at this time, he thought about it deeply, and said, "Yi Yi... I haven't thought about it, let's talk about it at that time... Your words... You also have a little savings in your hands now, and you will be with Xiao in the future." Huo makes a partner and lives a good life, isn’t it good?”

    “Boss, you don’t plan to take me with you?”

    “Why are you still following me? Why don’t you and Xiao Huo settle down?”

    Ah Jiu took a deep breath In one breath, "Then have you figured out where you want to go in the future?"

    "I don't know, maybe be a leisure tourist, see the great mountains and rivers in Damin, and then find a place with good mountains and rivers to retire."

    Ah Jiu finally knew Why is Chu Yunzhi angry, not to mention Chu Yunzhi, even she started to get a little angry after hearing these words.

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't even know where he was going, so he thought about leaving, and even thought about the future for each of them on his own initiative, without asking them what they thought.

    Could it be that she has no reluctance to Chu Yunzhi, to Chu Yiyi, to her, and to Chenjiacun, who has put her heart and soul into it? Does she not care about them at all?

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