Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 New Regulations

    The head of the purchase was sweating coldly on his forehead, wiped it with his sleeve, and was still defending: "Miss Jiang, the little one didn't do it on purpose, it's just that the little one is the boss, and the subordinates have to report to the little one when they buy anything. I got confused for a while."

    "Really? Everyone else reported it just now, haven't you figured it out yet?"

    "Small, small... the small one bought three rouges... no, fifty boxes, There are also cloths..."

    "Fifty boxes? As I said earlier, one must not favor one over another in the pavilion. Girls like rouge and powder are counted by forty-seven times. How do you do things?" Different from the one on the other

    side The pale-faced Sun Liuniang, Jiang Zhaoli, still had a kind look and a very gentle tone. If she didn't listen to the content, others might think that she was greeting a servant.

    The purchasing head broke out in a cold sweat, he hesitated and said, "I remember wrongly, it's forty-seven boxes..." "

    Forget it," Jiang Zhaoli smiled, "If you really can't remember, I won't make things difficult for you, treat others After counting, you bought the rest. I just want to ask you, how much did you spend in total when you went out to buy the day before yesterday?" The

    head of the purchase was still flustered when he heard this, he only remembered that Sun Liuniang had given him thirty taels, and he I went back more than three or two, but I couldn't remember how much I "should" use. If other people said how much he used just now, he could still calculate it, but every time they wanted to say it, they were interrupted by Jiang Zhaoli, so what did he count?

    Sun Liuniang glared at him angrily, with fire in her eyes.

    Jiang Zhaoli seemed peaceful, but the purchasing head felt that there were knives hidden in her eyes, and that gaze almost pierced him.

    His mind was blank, and a number blurted out: "Five taels and seventy-three cash! The small one cost five taels and seventy-three cash!" At this moment, the

    boy who had gone to the warehouse to count came back and handed over a list To Jiang Zhaoli, "Miss Jiang, all the new things in the warehouse in the past few days are on it."

    Jiang Zhaoli glanced at the head of the procurement, "The details reported by everyone are correct, and the rest It is yours, and you said that you spent more than five taels, which is reasonable."

    The purchasing head was half relieved, and then he heard Jiang Zhaoli continue: "Including yours, everyone spent a total of sixteen taels and three hundred and forty-four taels, but the account was twenty-six taels and nine One hundred and thirty taels, tell me, where did the missing ten taels go?"

    Sun Liuniang couldn't hold back her anger when she heard that he had paid more than ten taels. The boss said, "You son of a bitch! My mother trusted you to let you take such a seat.     How dare you steal my money!" There was a mistake in the accounts, the little one has always been honest and responsible, how could he do such a thing?!" "     According to you, it's because I miscounted the money?"     "That's not what the little one meant..."     "Okay, "Jiang Zhaoli ordered two more servants, "You go directly to his room to search." The     head of the procurement complexion changed, "Miss Jiang! It's unreasonable for you to do this..."     "Do you think that I have sent everyone to him today ?" Called to come here, and I have been talking with you for so long, is it to make you honestly admit that you embezzled public money?" Jiang Zhaoli waved his hand, signaling the two boys to go quickly.     "I listened to your nonsense patiently so that everyone would know that although Qingyu Pavilion is just a brothel, it has a complete set of rules both in terms of operation and the control of subordinates, and it will never treat anyone without reason. Outbreak."     Jiang Zhaoli glanced around, "As long as you do your duty, Qingyu Pavilion will not treat you badly, but similarly, if you steal and play tricks, Qingyu Pavilion will not tolerate you. You should work in Qingyu Pavilion. I know that compared with other brothels, your monthly money is much higher now, if you don’t want to do it, just pat your ass and leave, and some people will come to you.” The hall was quiet, and everyone dared not speak loudly, bowed their heads     seriously Listen to Jiang Zhaoli's speech.     Jiang Zhaoli looked at the head of the purchase, "I don't care what you say, the ten taels of silver can't disappear out of thin air, either you did it privately, or you lost it due to ineffective supervision, no matter what it is, it's all your negligence. I don't want you to do anything else, return the money, then pack up and leave."

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