Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Loyalty

    Jiang Zhao is worried, worried about the lack of food at home, worried about the desolation of the family, worrying about penniless, Chu Yunzhi's leg injury has nowhere to heal, and the time for the Chu family's death is approaching... A lot of problems are

    waiting Let her solve it, how can she not worry.

    She pushed open the courtyard door, sighed heavily, and raised her eyes to meet Chu Yunzhi who was fetching water in the courtyard.


    Chu Yunzhi's eyes wandered over her body, and finally fell on the big and small bags she was carrying or carrying, seeming a little confused.

    At this time, the sky was dimly bright, and the sun was only showing a tip, and the roosters in the village were crowing endlessly.

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't want to get up so early, but she only knew that the system was cheating, but she didn't know how cheating the system was. She's so silly, really.

    She was so hungry just thinking about it last night, so she just kept reading.

    The consequence of her recklessness was that she was so hungry that she couldn't sleep, and couldn't sit still. Before dawn, she carried an oil lamp and went to the woods around the village to look for food.

    Fortunately, the map provided by the system is still useful, 360° high-definition surround-view 3D panorama, and she found a lot of wild vegetables and fruits.

    She ate a lot in the woods, and packed a lot after she was satisfied.

    "I'm going to find something to eat." She explained to Chu Yunzhi.

    Chu Yunzhi pursed his lips slightly after hearing this, and continued to bend down to carry the bucket without saying much.

    He propped himself on the edge of the well with one hand to support his body, while the other hand held on to the thick rope to lift it upwards. His thin body was stretched like a bow ready to go, and it seemed that it was about to break at any moment.

    Jiang Zhaoli looked at it silently for a while, rested the thought of coming forward to help him that had arisen just now, then put the tools and picked things in the kitchen, and came back to the yard again.

    At this time, Chu Yunzhi had finished fetching water, saw her come out and cast his eyes on her, and said, "Hot water is boiled in the kitchen, it can be used."

    Jiang Zhaoli reacted slowly, pointing to a wooden basin of water on the ground, "Call me?"

    Chu Yunzhi nodded.

    Jiang Zhaoli thanked him, and it seemed that Chu Yunzhi was not as unkind as he appeared on the face.

    After a busy day, she did sweat a lot, so she carried water to the house to wash up.

    When she finished washing and returned to the kitchen, she saw it and was shocked: "Leave wood under the knife!" Then several strides forward and snatched the wooden stick from under the hatchet in Chu Yun's hand.

    Chu Yunzhi was taken aback by her action, and looked at her puzzled.

    "It's okay..." Jiang Zhaoli touched the intact wooden stick and let out a long sigh of relief, "This is not for firewood, it's for making new crutches for you." This

    was an unexpected surprise for her trip Oh, I didn't expect there to be balsa wood growing here.

    Balsa wood is very light wood, but its structure is strong. It is perfect for Chu Yunzhi to make a new crutch. She took great pains to cut it down. If it was stuffed into the stove, she would cry to death.

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