Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Animation

    After a period of practice, Jiang Zhaoli's writing skills improved greatly, and the two signed a contract on the spot. After reading the deed, Jiang Zhaoli found out that the old bustard's name is Sun Liuniang.

    "Bai Li's contract of selling her life is here for you." Sun Liuniang handed over the thin piece of paper again.

    Jiang Zhaoli raised his eyebrows, why did he suddenly become so up-to-date?

    "As you said, you must be sincere in doing business."

    Jiang Zhaoli put the deed and the deed of sale in his sleeve pocket, and habitually extended his hand to Sun Liuniang: "We are happy to cooperate."

    Sun Liuniang didn't understand what he meant, but still followed the example Hulu took her hand and replied, "I will rely on you from now on."

    "It's not about relying on me, and you don't need to call me 'you'." Jiang Zhaoli withdrew his hand and spread the interior design drawing on the table On, "The business will be closed for rectification in the next few days."

    Sun Liuniang hesitated for a moment, and agreed.

    Jiang Zhaoli began to explain the drawings to her, "Use catalpa wood for the wooden platform and table case, use auspicious cloud pattern or fretwork pattern, no more than three kinds, and use blue single gauze for the curtains around. It’s above, can you understand it?”

    After getting Sun Liuniang’s affirmative answer, Jiang Zhaoli continued: “The flowers used for decoration don’t have to follow the picture, but there should be no more than five colors or similar colors, and the fragrance of the flowers should not be too strong. Don’t smoke agarwood any more.     “Open a skylight on the roof, open it when there is a moon at night, let the moonlight come in and sprinkle it on the high wooden platform, put candlesticks in these places, and remove these places, then the girls’ dancing postures will be the same. It can be reflected on the curtain... Can you dance? "     "Yes! Sun Liuniang replied, "Of course I will." "     "Okay, let your girls stay asleep first, come out and let me see."     The bustard asked the girl who had just painted to call everyone. While     waiting, Jiang Zhaoli remembered about Ah Jiu and asked, "Mr. Lu often comes to your place as guests?" "

    "Yes... and no..." Sun Liuniang hesitated a few times, "I don't come here often, but I often go to the Qianhong Courtyard in the north of the city, but he loves Bai Li very much, and every time he comes, he calls her by name." Jiang Zhaoli heard the

    words Frowning, this is a bit troublesome, but she and Ah Jiu just met by chance, and redeeming her body is already the greatest help, and the rest will depend on her own fate.

    After the girls came out of their respective rooms one after another and stood in a row in front of Jiang Zhaoli and Sun Liuniang, Jiang Zhaoli couldn't help but hold his forehead again.

    "...Why didn't you wash off the makeup from last night?"

    The girl she asked was a little embarrassed, "Girl, your painting is so beautiful, I want to keep it until tonight, so that I can attract more guests."

    Jiang Zhaoli I could understand it, so I explained: "Sleep with makeup on is not good for your skin, you go and wash off your makeup first, and I will teach you later." The girls with makeup were overjoyed and rushed to wash


    After they came back from washing and stood still, Jiang Zhaoli walked around them a few times, and found that everyone had a yellow complexion and puffy eyes.

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