Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 Entering Beijing

    Four years later.

    "Give me eight steamed buns, four steamed buns." The

    morning market in the county town is always lively, and the steaming trays at the alleys are steaming with white mist. The peddler packs it up.

    The woman took out a few copper coins from her purse and was counting them when another person came by, also with her hair in a bun.

    "Boss, I want ten steamed buns. Yo, Erwazi's mother, you also come to buy breakfast from this restaurant." The

    woman nodded with a smile, "Yes, my Erwazi said that this restaurant is delicious."

    "Coincidentally , my family also likes to eat the steamed buns from this family, they are big and sweet... By the way, your second child will be enlightened this year, right? Have you decided which private school to send to?" "It's decided,

    Huaihui Academy."

    "That house." The woman later was a little surprised, "That private school is far away, and it's still in the mountains, so it's inconvenient to go back and forth.

    " , planning to spend more money and let Erwa live in the academy directly. Huaihui Academy is good, it is located in Chenjia Village, where gold is everywhere, and Shuxiu is not expensive. There are many Jinshi," the woman said with longing on her face, "If my second child is placed there to study, maybe he can

    also be a Jinshi in the future and become a famous official." Heartbroken, but still worried: "But how did I hear that the one who won the first prize was the gentleman in the academy, and the gentleman who brought out more than a dozen Jinshi also left not long ago, and the family and children did not know where to go Where..."     "These two gentlemen are not the only ones, there is another gentleman who has also been an official, and the newly recruited gentlemen are also very capable." The woman took the wrapped buns, Handing over the copper plate, he said as he walked, "Although the two gentlemen have left, Huaihui Academy is still the best academy in our place. Besides, the head of the school is definitely coming back." "Why?     "

    "His wife is the chief owner of Chenjiacun, and the academy is also run by their family. With so much money, how can you not let it go? Yaowa, mother, let me tell you that you should put your children there to study, too. How great it is that the children of our two families can be a companion."

    "'s not impossible..."

    The two talked and walked away, and their figures were quickly submerged in the crowd.

    After they left, another person quickly stood in front of the breakfast stall and bought two drawers of steamed buns and half a drawer of buns in one go. The person who bought these was a pretty woman. She took the two big bags packed by the hawker, looking a little worried, but she didn't know what to think, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

    She walked around a few streets and came to the back door of Qingyu Pavilion. The tall man led the horse and waited there, and when he saw her, he called out: "Xiao Cui!"

    The man hurried up to meet her, took the bags in her left and right hands, "Where did you go early in the morning, what did you buy? There are so many."

    "Didn't you say that the steamed buns in Zhuangkou Lane were delicious, so I went to buy some for you, you can eat a few while they are hot, and take the rest with you on the way. Everything is packed Do you have enough money?" Xiao Cui babbled, but the man didn't feel bored, after all, it was something he didn't even dare to think about before.

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