Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

    "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said, since I came to the throne, I will govern with heavy codes and fierce laws. There are few thieves, thieves and thieves. It is because the people are safe and the country is peaceful, and they have been promoted for a long time. Deeply disturbed by it, I feel anxious. I am afraid that I will not realize the error, so I am amnesty to the world. And, anyone who has doubts about the old case can beg for help to set things right. Announce the world, and the salty envoys will hear about it, and respect this." The

    emperor As soon as the imperial decree came out, the court immediately exploded, and all the officials looked at each other in blank dismay.

    Jiang Jinmian frowned tightly, and came out with a wat board in his hand, "Your Majesty..." Before he finished

    speaking, Eunuch Hong said sharply, "The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment will welcome the lord, and the ministers are irreversible. Retire!" After the

    emperor left, all the ministers discussed Suddenly, one person said to Jiang Jinmian, "The last time His Majesty gave an amnesty was when His Majesty just took the throne, but now it's neither His Majesty's birthday nor the birthday of the prince and grandson, why did His Majesty suddenly issue such an edict? " Another person said suspiciously: "     I'm afraid it's

    not as simple as amnesty for the world     . Gaze, his words stopped abruptly, and he said embarrassingly: "But why did your majesty suddenly think of..."     Jiang Jinmian snorted coldly, "Your majesty is now obsessed with seeking the truth and ignoring the government. The papers we handed over are always hastily approved. Except for that one Who has such a great ability to control him."     "That stinky Taoist?"     "What Taoist, at best, he is just a witch."     Jiang Jinmian ignored the two, squinted his eyes, and walked to the other side of the hall, also surrounded by people The bear welcomes.     All the ministers knew that the two of them had never dealt with each other, and they were a little surprised to see him coming, but they all made way out of the way.     Jiang Jinmian walked straight up to Xiong Ying, "Master Xiong."     "What's your job, Master Jiang?" Xiong Ying treated him neither coldly nor indifferently.

    "It's not really important." Jiang Jinmian raised a meaningful smile on his face, "I just want to ask Mr. Xiong if he has seen that popular female Taoist priest before?"

    Xiong Ying frowned. A Taoist priest who appeared out of nowhere was obviously disgusted: "No, there is nothing good to see." "

    Master Xiong's words are wrong." Jiang Jinmian sighed pretendingly, "Your Majesty's imperial edict came out suddenly today. Don’t Lord Xiong want to know who is behind the scenes?”

    “Your Majesty’s move is wise,” Xiong Ying retorted, “Only for you, is there a villain behind?” “

    I forgot, you benefited from it.” Naturally, I don’t think it’s different. I’m just thinking that it’s a good thing for His Majesty to pardon the world today under the influence of that Taoist priest, but who can guarantee what that Taoist priest will incite His Majesty to do in the future? No matter whether it’s good or bad, then The Taoist has already stretched out his hand to the court, this is a real thing." Jiang Jinmian paused, then glanced to the side, "Do you think so, Zhuangyuan Lang?" Xu Mao was slightly stunned, and immediately responded: "Master Jiang

    said That makes sense."

    Jiang Jinmian seemed to just ask him a question by the way, and said with a smile, "Master Xiong, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've already handed over a greeting card to the Taoist priest, and agreed to visit him this afternoon. If Mr. Xiong is free, why not join us?"

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