Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Farce

    Member Lu?

    Jiang Zhaoli was taken aback, and found out who this person was from the corner of his memory. Before she redeemed herself for Ah Jiu, Lu Yuanwai was a frequent customer of Ah Jiu. At the beginning, Ah Jiu was unable to bear Lu Yuanwai's long-term abuse, and was almost bought back by him as a concubine, so he rebelled and refused to accept guests. He was beaten half to death by Sun Liuniang, and finally met by her.

    It can be said that this person is Ah Jiu's nightmare, so it's no wonder she is afraid of it.

    Jiang Zhaoli went to look at the girl who scolded the servant sharply, with heavy colorful makeup and mean face, wasn't it Lu Ningzhi.

    It seems that the enemy not only has a narrow road, but also finds the door.

    Ah Jiu was still explaining intermittently: "Boss, I was stopped by Mrs. Shan after the idiot and I delivered the wine. I thought that there is nothing to do when I go back, and it's okay to stay to help..." I didn't expect to serve the dishes

    . At the table, the guests at one of the tables were Lu Yuanwai's family, Ah Jiu immediately stood there, and Lu Yuanwai also recognized her, and started to move her hands. She slapped her, and Er Huo, who just came out of the back kitchen, looked straight at her, rushed forward and punched her, so angry that Lu Yuanwai yelled on the spot, quite ugly, such as "adulter □□", "dog man and woman" ", "Stinky bitch", the more he scolded, the more Erhuo beat him until he was speechless.

    The scene suddenly became unmanageable.

    "Little girl, stop Erhuo quickly! Tell him not to hit him!" Mrs. Shan had never encountered such a situation before, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, seeing that Jiang Zhaoli didn't respond, she urged, "Little girl, Quickly persuade him! If you continue to fight, you will die!"

    Jiang Zhaoli understood the ins and outs, and only felt that Lu Yuanwai deserved to be beaten, but he couldn't really beat him to death.

    She evaluated Lu Yuanwai's injuries, and saw that he had started to vomit blood. She didn't know whether the corner of his mouth was cut or an internal injury, and waited for Erhuo to punch him a few more times before calling him out.

    "Xiao Huo." Er Huo became impatient, and Jiang Zhaoli called him three times before he managed to stop the fist that was about to fall in midair, "It's okay."

    Panting, Erhuo loosened Lu Yuanwai's hand, walked to Jiang Zhaoli's side, the anger on his face was still there, "Master, I..." He was speechless for a moment,

    Jiang Zhaoli shook his head, She just said: "You take care of Ah Jiu for a while."

    This matter is not over yet, she is afraid that the situation will become more chaotic.

    "Master!" As soon as Er Huo let go, the servants stepped forward to help Yuanwai Lu up.

    "Ouch... Ouch..." Lu Yuanwai kept yelling, and was pulled to the wound when he was helped to get up, and he hit the servant hard, "Be gentle!"

    Lu Yuanwai was beaten until his legs were weak and his body He was thin and fat, and he could barely stand still with the help of two servants.

    "Father, are you okay?" Lu Ningzhi had tears in his eyes, holding a handkerchief in his hand, and was about to wipe the blood from Lu Yuanwai's mouth.

    As soon as he touched it, Lu Yuanwai hissed and swung Lu Ningzhi's hand away, "Are you going to hurt me to death?!" Lu Ningzhi's face was a little uneasy, he unconsciously squeezed the veil tightly, and forced a smile:

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