Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Xu Mao

    The three-year autumn season ended, and on the day the list was released, Xu Mao got up early in the morning, and stood in front of the list just after the sun was shining. However, he read the list several times without missing a word, and nothing came up. Find your own name.

    He failed the exam.

    Xu Mao returned home in a daze as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. For a while, Qian Zhuyu's charming and shy face was in his mind, and for a while, it was the county magistrate's mean and contemptuous face.

    "How dare a poor scholar miss my precious daughter? Get lost!"

    He still remembered that he held Qian Zhuyu's hand and promised her: "Yu'er, when I get admitted to Juren, your father won't let me go!" They will oppose us."

    "Well, brother Xu, I'll wait for you..."

    For this autumn, he turned on lamps and nights to read and sleep, but he didn't pass the exam.

    Why didn't you pass the exam?

    How could it not pass the exam?

    He obviously worked so hard.

    Xu Mao couldn't figure it out, he was powerless to refute the county magistrate's cynicism, and he had no face to face Qian Zhuyu's disappointment. He shut himself up at home and drank too much alcohol, and he didn't know what to do every day, until his classmates and friends who also failed the exam dragged him to Qingyu Pavilion.

    What is there to do in Qingyu Pavilion? The girls there are not one-thousandth as good-looking as his Yu'er. But he couldn't resist the invitation of his friends, so he went anyway.

    For Xu Mao, it was just a change of place to drink, he pushed away the girl who was approaching, his friends laughed at him for being puzzled, but he turned a deaf ear to it, his mind and heart were full of Qian Zhuyu.

    Three years, will his Yu'er wait for him for another three years?

    There was nowhere to relieve the depression in his heart, so Xu Mao poured all his brains into drinking, and suddenly saw a painting on the wall next to him, and couldn't help muttering: "Qingzhang Suturuan, beautiful scenery, beautiful painting..." The girl next to him posted it again

    , The body was soft and soft, and Xu Mao smelled a faint fragrance, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he frantically tried to push her away, but the girl's words stopped his movements.

    "Young master is troubled by love?"

    "How do you know?"

    "Young master is calm, presumably he already has a sweetheart, but I see young master's sad face and preoccupation, so I dare to guess that it is because of love. If you are really depressed, you can't explain it. , I know a good place to relax."

    "A good place? Where?"

    "Young master, look at these paintings, regardless of the different scenes in the paintings, they all come from one place, just ten miles east of the county." That's it

    . , Xu Mao and a few friends who failed the exam went to Chenjia Village together.

    As soon as he got off the carriage, Xu Mao was amazed. The snow was falling, the walls were red and the tiles were black. When he looked up, he could see "hot pot shop", "barbecue shop", "tea house", "rouge shop" and so on. words.

    Friends are also amazed repeatedly.

    Although they didn't understand what hot pot was, they entered a hot pot restaurant nearby.

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