Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 Awakening

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't need to deliberately hide his figure anymore, he put on the coir raincoat and bamboo hat, and walked out of the cave with Lin who was dressed in the same way.

    There was a strong wind and heavy rain outside the mountain, the twilight was heavy, the dense branches and leaves were swaying and rubbing, and there were rustling sounds in all directions. Jiang Zhaoli raised the scarf to cover the lower half of his face, lowered his hat, and walked in one direction without hesitation. Lin Bu followed her with his sword in hand.

    Along the way, Lin Bu was looking for opportunities to talk to Jiang Zhaoli.

    To be honest, his first impression of Jiang Zhaoli was not very good. A shrewd small businessman who came to the door recklessly, his behavior and speech were extraordinarily bold, and he lived in a dusty place.

    But later he followed Lin Yuqing, watching her actions, and had to admit that this woman was indeed eye-catching. No wonder his master looked at her differently.

    Lin Bu didn't talk to Jiang Zhaoli much, but he knew what kind of person she was.

    Clean and kind, bright and tough, smart and shrewd, and thoughtful.

    All the compliments he could think of seemed to be able to describe her. She has the qualities that ordinary women have, and she also has the qualities that ordinary women do not have.

    So I'm not used to her at this time.

    Lin Bu glanced at Jiang's photo. She was very familiar with this mountain forest. She found medicinal herbs with ease, dug them out and threw them to him.

    The only role he followed seemed to be to fetch herbs for her, and occasionally to help pick herbs that grew on the cliffs.

    But he is not stunned, he knows that there are hidden dangers everywhere under the calm of this mountain forest, all kinds of unknown things are dormant in the deep grass and trees, watching the two passers-by, and may bite them at any time.

    He seemed to be relaxed, but in fact, his hands were pressing on the hilt of the sword, and his muscles tensed up, guarding Jiang Zhaoli's left and right, not daring to be three steps away from her.

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't seem to be aware of it, and walked silently among the mountains and forests. When they reached the valley, huge trees grew next to each other, and the road was narrow, so they had to walk side by side. Lin Bu was a step behind, his eyes dared not leave Jiang Zhaoli's body, under the shade of the tree, her back was vague, for several moments, Lin Bu had an illusion, as if she was about to melt into this silent darkness inside.

    Chu Er, the person in front of him stopped, and he also stopped, watching Jiang Zhaoli bent down to pick up the medicine, folded his body and handed it to him, and then spoke the first sentence after speaking.

    "This is the last medicine." Jiang Zhaoli didn't look at Lin Bu, his eyes fell on a certain place in the forest, he seemed to be in a trance, and asked, "Do you remember the way you came here?" Lin Bu put away the

    medicine , replied: "Remember."

    "Then you can follow the way you came and send the medicine back."

    Lin Bu was about to answer when he suddenly realized something was wrong, "What about you, Miss Jiang?"

    "I still have something to do, I'll be late." Go back."

    "What's the matter?" Lin Bu asked.

    Jiang Zhaoli fell silent again, the brim of her hat was pulled down very low, her eyebrows were drawn into the shadows, Lin Bu frowned, and bent her knees to look, Jiang Zhaoli quickly looked away, but Lin Bu still noticed that she pressed down Frowning, looking a little cold.

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