Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

    "Great Concubine, Empress."

    The curtain made of light gauze was pulled open, and someone lazily said: "Come in." The

    concubine has a good voice, and when she speaks, it is as clear and melodious as a warbler's song. Jiang Zhaoli just heard this sentence, I felt her ears were numb, and she was also beautiful, with icy muscles and bones, leaning half-supported on the bed, with layers of vermilion skirts and light gauze spread out, like a peony covered with dew, beautiful and incomparable.

    Jiang Zhaoli knew that Lin Yuqing had a younger sister, but this was the first time he saw her.

    "I heard that a female Taoist priest came to the palace." Lin Yulan raised her eyelids and looked at Jiang Zhaoli with great interest, "I am very curious, and now I have seen her." Jiang Zhaoli did not dare to look at her blatantly

    , Hearing the words, he said: "You are a poor man, you should have come to pay a visit to your empress." "

    As I said, you, a Taoist priest, have no reason to visit the concubines of the harem. I have nothing else to ask you to come, just curious That's all. Taoist priest is now a popular person in front of His Majesty, His Majesty looks for you every day, but instead neglects the sisters in our harem." Lin Yulan squeezed a peeled grape into her mouth with her jade hand painted with Dan Kou, and carefully After eating carefully, he continued, "Teacher, you are teaching me what to do and what to say when you are with His Majesty, so as to please the dragon's heart and ask him to summon him every day?" Jiang

    Zhaoli She lowered her head slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched, Lin Yulan was eating some kind of vinegar. But after thinking about it, it seemed impossible. Lin Yulan didn't seem to like the emperor, and these words might just find an excuse to beat herself up.     "Your Majesty, why should you be humble? No one in Beijing knows that your Majesty's favor is everlasting, and that she is His Majesty's apex. Pindao and Your Majesty are just discussing some Taoism. Your Majesty also knows that Pindao has a Taoist doctor apprentice, Your Majesty. I have specifically asked Xiao Wu to show it to the empress and His Royal Highness. If there is no empress summons today, the poor Taoist will come to visit." "Oh?" "If the empress does not dislike it, let     Xiao     Wu look at it for the empress now. Let's see." Jiang Zhaoli tilted his head to look backward, and whispered, "Xiaowu."

    In the palace, wherever she went, Xiao Wu followed her with a medical kit. One was because Xiao Wu was not clear about the current situation. Suffering a dark loss, the second is because Xiao Wu is now very skilled in medicine, and all the medical books in the 2876 system were found by Jiang Zhao, which made her understand thoroughly, which can be of great help.

    Xiao Wu stepped forward quietly, opened the medical box, took out Maichen and put it on the small case, trying to speak smoothly: "Madam, please, put your hand on it." Lin Yulan raised her eyebrows, stood up slightly, and put her hand on it

    . After going up, Xiao Wu took out another silk handkerchief and put it on her wrist to check the pulse. After a while, she made a conclusion and prescribed a gentle prescription.

    "Your Majesty, when she gave birth to His Royal Highness, hurt her roots. This prescription has the effect of invigorating Qi and beautifying your face. Your Majesty will take it for seven times, and after that, you will come back for a follow-up visit for your Majesty." After hearing this, Lin Yulan knew that Xiao Wu was a true doctor

    . For the real material, ask someone to bring Min Yang over and let Xiao Wu see it.

    When Min Yang was still in Lin Yulan's womb, Lin Yulan was calculated to give birth prematurely, and she fell into the root of the disease. Min Yang was also weak and sickly, and he had a lot of troubles since he was a child.

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