Chapter 2 boomerang

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wake up, said Della. I'm up, I wasn't even asleep, said RJ. oh, said Della. Is Uncle Scrooge still sleeping? Asked RJ. ya, and so is Donald, said Della. Come on, let's go wake him up, said RJ. Della had an evil grin on her face and I know just how to do it, said Della. They ran into Donald's room with pillows in their hands. Pillow fight yelled RJ. you're like an annoying little brother, mumbled Donald. Donald grabbed a pillow and hit Della. They ran downstairs and ran into Scrooge. Sorry Uncle Scrooge said RJ. hold on Lad I want to show you kids something said scrooge Della, Donald and RJ followed Scrooge. Scrooge showed them a map. What treasure are we going to find? Uncle Scrooge asked RJ. the giant boomerang of the Desert, some say it controls the weather and others say it is not real. Said Scrooge to adventure. Said RJ come on RJ let's go pack RJ and Della ran upstairs. Uncle Scrooge? Asked Donald what it is, Lad is RJ replacing me. Asked Donald no but he's not going anywhere. Said Scrooge, why not, won't he leave when he's older. Asked Donald no you're sisters like him. Said Scrooge, we're only ten and their only friends. Said Donald, come on Donald, we're all packed and you're not. Said Della ya hurry up slowpoke, said RJ. Okay I'm coming. Said Donald, what does RJ have that I don't? I'm Della's twin brother, Donald said to himself Donald went into Della's room Don what's wrong? Asked Della. RJ is replacing me and you love him. Said Donald, we are just friends and nobody is going to replace you, you're my brother. Della RJ came into the room, ya we are just friends. said RJ go pack before we leave you said Della. Donald, Della and RJ were on the plane, are we there yet? Asked  RJ no Uncle Scrooge is making us take the long way. Said Della, I can fix that, said RJ. RJ grabbed the map and a pencil there. I made a shortcut. Said RJ if Uncle Scrooge finds out you're going to be in trouble. Said Della he won't RJ. The plane landed an hour later. I told you that the shortcut would be faster. said RJ ya you were right I should listen to you more often said Della. Uncle Scrooge can we make a bet. Asked RJ Scrooge laughed. you kids want to make a bet with the richest Duck in the world. asked Scrooge.  ya and if we win you let us join The Junior Woodchucks. said Della and if you lose. you give me a dollar. said Scrooge. deal said RJ and Della at the same time. RJ shook Scrooge's hand. no I'm going to get the treasure and beat you. said Flintheart Glomgold. you can help me for once, said Scrooge .I can asked Glomgold. yes, Scrooge said. RJ grabbed Scrooge's map and copied it with his pencil. Come on Della I have the map said RJ. race ya said Della. oh yeah I'm going to win. said RJ oh yeah your shoes untied said Della. RJ looked at his feet. Hey, I don't wear shoes said RJ. tricked ya said Della. Della was ahead of RJ hey wait up RJ yelled you're too slow yelled Della RJ caught up to Della. RJ tackled Della to the ground you cheated, said RJ. what do you want to play now asked Della. nothing it is almost night we should keep going so we can get ahead start in the morning said RJ. or we will keep going until we find shelter said Della. They walked for an hour. RJ I'm tired, said Della. I know but we can't be out in the open said RJ. why not you will protect me, said Della. I'm only ten. The animals are bigger than I am said RJ. What is the worst thing that could happen? asked Della. I could die said RJ. The next morning Della wake up. said RJ I'm up, let's win this bet, said Della. RJ and Della ran to a Temple. we found it said RJ. that's what Controls the weather asked Della it looks like a boomerang. said RJ we made it said Scrooge. and we win said RJ what how asked Scrooge we worked as a team said Della. you too are now Junior Woodchucks said Scrooge. ya said Della and RJ

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