Chapter 25 land of myths

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Della and RJ were twenty, and they were madly in love. It was Halloween, it's been cold outside for the past week.They haven't been going on adventures because of the cold. . Where are we going today, asked RJ. Good morning to you too, said Scrooge sorry Uncle Scrooge, I'm just bored, said RJ. Well It's okay lad, I guess we can go on an adventure, said Scrooge. RJ went upstairs to wake up Della. We are going on an adventure said RJ. Della kissed RJ, they went downstairs can you tell us where we are going now, asked RJ. We're going to the land of myths, said Scrooge. Land of myth have a good time trying to find that, said Donald as he came the down the stairs. You're coming to, it will be your last adventure before you go to College, said Scrooge. Why didn't you tell me sooner, asked Della. I knew you would be mad about me leaving, said Donald. You were just going to leave, said Della in a mad tone. Donald scratched the back of his head, yeah said Donald as he looked down at his feet. This is going to be a long day mumbled RJ, you can say that again, said Scrooge. Maise came downstairs. where are you going? asked Scrooge. grandpa needs my help, said Maise. RJ went over to his sister. That was just an excuse to go see DJ wasn't it said RJ. Yeah, said Maise. . You know, you're going to have to go to our old house right? said RJ, yeah I know said Maise,Maise left.

They got in the plane. one-hour later they got out of the plane, they were met by a leprechaun. if you are here to steal my treasure, good luck said the leprechaun. Then he disappeared. That was weird, said RJ. He knows what we're after, said Scrooge. They walked to a house, Della Knocked on the door. A ghost answered the door. Hi, we're looking for the Treasure at the end of the rainbow, do you know where it is, asked Donald. I'm Jack, and I Only know Stuff about Halloween, said Jack. So you're the pumpkin king , asked Donald. No he lives down the street, said Jack. Wait, aren't you the guy that stole money from the poor, said Jack as he looked at RJ. No that is that guy over there, said Della as she pointed to scrooge. Why are you here? You don't seem like a Mythical creature, said RJ. That's because I'm not, I'm part of a Legend, said Jack. Can you tell us the legend, asked Scrooge. Sure, I made a deal with the devil. I asked him to take me to Heaven Instead of hell, But Instead the devil made me be stuck in between Heaven and Hell. The devil felt bad, so he gave me a turnip, with a piece of coal to light it. Now we just carve Pumpkins to keep the devil away, said Jack. The ducks left, they Kept walking. They walked into a Field, where unicorns were grazing. Don't go near the Sword horses kids, said scrooge as he roped it. I thought it was called a unicorn, said Donald. it has too names. The unicorn, which is what most people call it, or the sword horses, said RJ. Hey Uncle Scrooge, I thought you said, not to go near the sword horses,said Della. Yeah well we need the Sword horse, to get across the river said scrooge. Why asked RJ. Because of the dragon. It's guarding the treasure, said Scrooge. We are Nowhere near the rainbow, said Donald. Ah Donald lookup, said Della. They all saw the Rainbow. Are you Sure there is really a dragon here, asked RJ. They Heard a roar. Never mind, said RJ as he took something out of his backpack.
What is that asked Della. I made this, so I can get my Robotics Badge. You I Invent when I'm Nervous, said RJ. Come on, kids said scrooge. They went into the cave where the dragon was sleeping. RJ grabbed The treasure, I got it, said RJ. Yeah and that's great, but the Dragon is waking up, said Donald. The dragon started breathing fire. Aw, Phooey! They all said at the same time. They ran out of the cave, and went in the plan.

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