Chapter 41 tromma

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An hour later, RJ was helping Dewey put bandages on his cuts. Scrooge came into the room, Rider,I need you to deliver this to S.h.u.s.h. tomorrow,Said scrooge. okay , said RJ. Scrooge left. Can I come, asked Dewey. Absolutely, not, said RJ. Dewey looked at his feet. But you can do something with me the day after tomorrow , said RJ. Dewey's face lit up. But you got to go to bed first, said RJ. Hey that's not fair, said Dewey. It's midnight, said RJ. Dewey hugged his dad and went to bed. RJ walked down the hallway and into the study, he sat down at a desk and took out his dagger so he could work on it. Scrooge came into the study and sat beside RJ. What is in that package? asked RJ. It's to help your uncle, said Scrooge. I've never met him, and I can't go tomorrow,because it's the day I got left on the island, said RJ. You don't have a choice,said Scrooge. Fine I will go in the morning, said RJ. As he walked towards his bedroom. Good night lad, said Scrooge. Night I love you, said RJ as he left. I Love you too, Scrooge said quietly.

It was the next day, RJ was laying in bed. Are you okay, asked Della. I've been better, said RJ. Della and RJ kissed. When RJ got to the living room he saw his siblings, and DJ, sitting on the couch. so, I'm going to go, said RJ. you're not leaving, said Mason. Oh you're paranoid, said RJ. You think! this is the day we lost you, said DJ. I-I need to give this to a S.h.u.s.h. Agent,said RJ, as he left. When he got to the s.h.u.s.h. HQ. he took a breath and opened the door. He didn't like it there because the first time he went there, he found out the truth. RJ walked into the building and set the package on the counter. Someone grabbed his wrist, RJ, turned around, he was about to hit the person. He then realized it was his dad. Let go of my wrist, RJ said in an angry tone. Nick let go of RJ's wrist, are you okay, asked Nick. Today is the exact day that I got abandoned, said RJ. Nick hugged RJ, it made him feel a bit better. RJ walked to the park, when he got there he sat down in his favorite spot, which was under a tree. An hour later, Maise, Mason, and DJ came towards RJ and sat down beside him.

You okay, asked DJ. RJ looked at his wrist,it was bleeding from him hitting it hard against the tree. I-I almost hit dad, he said quietly. This is a hard month for you isn't it, asked Maise. Four different things have happened in different years, and all those things happened in the same month. today you know what happened, then a week from now, well, that's when Della found me. Two days after that, Quackmore died, and the last thing happened a week after that, said RJ. This all happened The same month all in different years? asked DJ. yep, said RJ. This day is hard for all of us, said Mason.

Mason's P.O.V flashback the day that RJ left. Mason is seven.
I woke up early this morning, when I went down stairs, I saw my brother eating breakfast. Hey Mason, guess what, RJ said with his mouth full of food. I only caught two words of the sentence, but I knew what he was saying. What I asked, not really paying attention to my brother. Dad's finally taking me on an adventure, said RJ. I went over to him, and grabbed him by the neck. Get your head out of the clouds, you will never even see McDuck, you hear me, I yelled louder than I wanted to. I loosened my grip, RJ ran outside. I followed him, he grabbed a piece of plywood and hit me over the head.

When I woke up, I was lying on the couch.I saw my sister with tears in her eyes. I sat up, and saw my dad. Where is he? I yelled. He's dead, adventure killed him, he yelled, and now it's your turn, he said as he looked at my sister. I jumped in front of her. my dad cut me instead of my sister. Run I yelled. She grabbed two pictures, and some clothes, food, and anything else that she could carry. I ran out of the house not far behind. For years we ran. But then I found Margaret. Years had passed, I thought it was time for me and my sister to go our separate ways. So we did.

Me, and Margaret had been living together on the street, for what felt like forever.It was morning, when I woke up, I heard Margaret crying. What's wrong? I asked as I walked over to her. Mason, we are going to be parents, said Margaret. I froze, that was when I knew she was scared. The truth is I was too.I hugged her, it will be okay, I said. How are we supposed to raise our kid on the streets, asked Margaret, tears were rolling down her cheeks. We will find a way, I said, as I hugged her. That night we went to the hideout. Even if the gang didn't accept us, I knew they'd help us. When we arrived at the hideout, I knocked on the door in a Paderin, and one of them answered it. Hi claw, I said. Mason you're alive, said claw. To our surprise he let us in. it, turned out that the gang left when I did, Claw was the only one that stayed. So, what brings you back here, He asked. We are going to be parents, I said quietly. Yeah,you guys can stay here for as long as you need, said claw. I saw a look of relief, form on Margaret's face. Thank you, said Margaret. Claw nodded. Claw pulled me to the side, mason what are you doing, did you really think running away was the answer, I mean you ditched your sister, said claw. She has DJ, and besides it was probably the right thing to do, she needed a break from me, said Mason. For the next three months we stayed at the hideout, and took care of the egg. In the mornings I would go steal some stuff, and Margaret would look after it. The egg was going to hatch any day now.

A year later. When I was out doing the usual. I saw my chance to steal some stuff. I walked up to a mansion and broke through a window. Someone punched me in the face. I grabbed her. She continued. To fight, I put her in the car. As I drove away I saw a teenage boy running after us. When I put her in a jail cell. The teenager punched me in the face. I blacked out. When I woke up a week later I was in a jail cell. An hour later the teenager was standing in front of me. I couldn't believe it.The teenager was my brother. Rider get me out of here. I've never heard you call me that before he, said. How are you alive. I feel like I'm talking to a ghost,I said I don't know if I can trust you, he said. You can trust me, I said. Even if you did hit me In the head with a  piece of plywood, I said. Yeah well you deserved it, said RJ. Look, just let me out. I have a kid I have to get back to, I said. At this point I was twenty. A few days later he let me go. When I got back to the Fowl HQ Marcus was sleeping.

end of flashback. At this point RJ was sitting by himself. Della came over to him. What do you think things would be like if she survived? asked RJ. I don't know said Della .

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