Chapter17 Flight school

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RJ and Della were seventeen. RJ kissed Della Wake up,we have to go to Cape Suzette, said RJ. when I'm at flight school what are you going to do? asked Della. I am going to babysit, said RJ. What Della asked Uncle Scrooge has nothing else for me to do, said RJ. Della, RJ we got to go said Scrooge. RJ,Della Donald, Maise and Scrooge were in the plane. Ha ha you have to babysit said Donald, and what are you going to do asked RJ,ah I don't know,  but Maise isn't doing anything either said Donald. Actually my sister is helping me, said  RJ, I am asked Maise. We're here said Donald.  They landed at Higher for Hire, wow the sea duck said Maise you act like you've never seen a plane before said RJ. Baloo came out of Higher for Hire.  Ready to go Baloo asked,  yep said Della Baloo and Della got on the sea duck. Molly  and Kit came out of  Higher for Hire, ah the bear  killer said Molly. Molly ran inside, Molly doesn't like strangers she thinks everybody is the bear killer,but I had to rely on strangers, said Kit. What do you mean? asked RJ.  I was an orphan before I met Baloo, said Kit. Me and you have a lot in common, if only Molly could see that then she wouldn't be scared of me, said RJ.  I was an orphan before I met Scrooge, said RJ. You really are the bear killer aren't you, asked Kit yeah I am. It's not something I wanted you kids to find out, said RJ. . RJ went inside Higher for Hire, and knocked on Molly's door, "go away" said Molly. RJ saw Molly's Danger Woman costume on the floor." bear killer is my superhero name" said RJ. Molly opened the door, your a superhero asked Molly. Yep said RJ, but you don't have any superpowers, said Molly. you don't need power to be a hero, said RJ. Kit was dressed up like a robber, he ran inside. Uh oh it's a robber said RJ, let's get him, said Molly. Molly jumped on Kit, knocking him to the ground. for the rest of the day they played superheroes. Kit and Molly fall asleep. Meanwhile the sky pirates were chasing Baloo and Della. Dive now  said Baloo, the plane Dodge the pirates. let's go back to Higher for Hire said Baloo okay said Della. Baloo and Della were in Higher for Hire, you didn't lose them like I thought you would said Della.  Hey you really thought that I would lose them asked RJ, yep said Della.

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