Chapter 35 PLANET of THE CAT's

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A/n I wrote this chapter with my friend, I edit it a lot.

Meanwhile, in outer space. RJ's rocket ship landed on planet Feeblebrox. Okey P.A.L if you mess up this time I'm pulling your plug, because I've been searching for Della for eleven years, said RJ.He was going to say something else but he was interrupted by two cat's meowing . He saw two cats walk into the rocket ship. P.A.L. Looked at the cats, I'm going to name you  Pettibone and Figarro,  said P.A.L. What, I can speak cat, said  P.A.L. ask them how they got here, said RJ. P.A.L started to talk in the cat language. Fowl abducted us, and brought us here,said Pettibone. They all walked out of the Rocket ship. .So why did you come here asked RJ,we need to find food, said Figaro. They made it to  a secret layer, They got inside through a vent. When they got out of the vent, They saw a chicken with a top hat, that had the name Reginald on it. RJ saw another vent and climbed through it. He knew he had to get out of there. The others followed. When they got out of the vent, they landed in the middle of a village.

Two aliens, in the shape of  dogs, quickly transformed into cops. Stop, in the name of the law, said the two aliens at the same time. What are you, asked RJ. we're The shape shifting aliens, of planet Feeblebrox, and our name are Brik and Brak. said Brik. now, tell us your story, and we might just let you go, said Brak. We got Abducted by Fowl, said Pettibone.   I'm looking for my wife, said RJ.  All Right fine, we will let you go, said bark. RJ got in his rocket, and got off The planet. When RJ was in the rocket.  The TV was turned on, and he saw Della on it. Della,boys he said to himself.

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