Chapter 34 DAD

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Present day, one month after Fowl's defeat.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie went downstairs. They saw that their mom was sad. What's Wrong, asked Huey. Nothing, I just miss my old friend, but he isn't here, said Della. The boys left. Are you guys thinking, what I'm thinking, asked Dewey. Yeah, we are never eating turkey again after that Christmas, said Louie. Or, we never should Steel, one of uncle Scrooge's Cookie's Again, said Huey. No, I think we should try to find him, said Dewey. Heuy ,Dewey and Louie went upstairs. Hey guys, said Webby,  as the boys came into her room. Do you know anything about our mom's best friend, asked Dewey. No, I don't but we could go see if there is anything in the Garage, said webby. The boys and Webby went into the Garage. Huey, Dewey and Louie, started to look for any Clues, that could help them find their mom's friend. Louie, tripped over a box. ow, said Louie. Louie, are you okay, asked Dewey. yeah, I Just tripped over this box, said Louie. Huey looked closer at the box. RJ, I Wonder who that is, Huey said to himself.  He grabbed a Junior woodchuck guidebook, out of the box and flipped to the back page. Hey, I found something, said Huey. The Others walked over to him. What Does it say, asked Dewey. Huey, read the note, said Louie. Huey begins to read, Dear Della, I'm worried about becoming a dad. My whole life I got beaten up and Bruised. I don't want that to Happen to our three boys. Huey closed the book. h- he was our dad, said Dewey. We don't know that uncle scrooge could have kept anybody's  Junior woodchuck guidebook, said Louie. Huey and Dewey looked at Louie. Okay if  he really is our dad, then what happened to him? asked louie. He looked like he was about to cry. Louie, are you okay, asked Huey. yeah, I just always wanted our Family to be together, said Louie as he wiped tears off his face. Now, we just have to figure out where he is, said Huey. Let's go to the Library in the money bin. Uncle scrooge might have something in there about your dad, said Webby. Huey, Dewey and Louie went back inside, and told there mom that they were going to Funso's Fun Zone. They left the Mansion. Race ya, said Dewey as he Started to run on The sidewalk. Your not going Anywhere, said Raven as he grabbed Dewey. let him go, yelled a boy. Where's your daddy when you need him, asked Raven. . Mason and Maise looked at the three boys and Webby. What were you three doing, if your uncle Donald finds out that  Raven found you he is going to kill me, said Maise. Come, I will take you back to the dock, then he  looked  at Webby, and you will have to show me where you live so I can get you home safe. said Mason. We don't live there anymore, Louie said. We all  live in the mansion said Dewey. so he finally gave Uncle Scrooge forgiveness, mumbled Maise. How do you know uncle Donald, asked Huey. he's an old friend, said Maise. dad, can we go yet asked, the boy. In a minute Marcus, said Mason. you have grown a lot since the last time I saw you, said Maise. Marcus didn't say anything.  come on little sister let's go take these rug rat's home, said Mason.  So, are you still living on the street said Maise. Yep,  and you're not, asked Mason  I'm living with dad, said Maise. When they got to  the mansion, Maise knocked on the door.  Scrooge answered it.You four are in big trouble, go to your rooms, said Scrooge. The kids and Marcus went into the mansion. Scrooge looked at Maise. Good to see you're okay, said  Mason. Scrooge hugged the two siblings. It's good to have you two back,  said Scrooge. you never did that to me when I got in trouble, said Maise. Della came outside, she was about to say something, when she saw Maise. Maise turned around and hugged Della. Della you're alive, said Maise.

Meanwhile,in the mansion. I don't get it, why would a random duck attack us, said Huey. Markcus came upstairs, and went into the boy's bedroom. Maybe he knows something about your dad, suggested Webby. Is that what you guys were doing when you got attacked, asked Marcus. Yeah, said Huey. I might be able to help, said Marcus as he looked at an old picture. How would you know our dad, asked Dewey. I don't but my dad is in this picture, said Marcus as he showed the picture to the triplets. Huey grabbed the photo from Marcus, and flipped it over, he saw some writing, underneath three names. "Huey read it Outloud", said Dewey.It read. To my brother, and my sister, I'm sorry if you ever find me dead. Know that I never meant to hurt you mason,and try to be safe Maise, grandpa doesn't need both of us to be dead, signed RJ. Huey looked up at his brothers ,Wait a minute we're cousins, said Marcus. I guess so, said Huey. Donald and Mason went upstairs, and into the boys bedroom. Okay boy's time for bed, said Donald as they were playing. come on Markcus it's time to go, said Mason. I'm not leaving, said Marcus in a mad voice. Look, I know you feel safe here, but we are fine living on the streets. Mason said. maybe for you, for once I feel safe here, and I know you do too ,because you said it yourself, said Marcus. Marcus went back to playing with his cousins. the lad's right, and my offer still stands, said Scrooge. I will be fine, said Mason. But, will Marcus, asked Scrooge. Mason looked at his son, he had never seen him so happy before. Fine we will stay, said Mason. Maise looked at her brother in shock. Can you repeat that, said Maise. You heard what I said, and it will only be for a little while, said Mason. Marcus looked at his dad, Dewey was playing tag, he ran into Marcus instead of tagging him. really, asked Marcus. yeah, but It only will be for a little bit, but on one condition. You are not going on any adventures , said Mason. why am I not surprised, mumbled Maise. why, asked Marcus. Mason looked at his sister, they were looking at each other, Maise nodded her head. Something happened when I was little, said Mason. Why, asked Marcus. It doesn't matter, said Mason in a mean voice. Marcus looked at his dad. He looked like he was about to cry. Look, I'm sorry, I know you don't like to be yelled at, said Mason as he hugged Marcus. Go play, said Mason. Marcus went back into the boys bedroom. Mason looked at his sister, why did you not tell him the truth, asked Maise. You know why, said Mason. He gave you forgiveness, said Maise. It's not that, said Mason. Then what is it, asked Maise. That day echoes through my head, every day, and I can't get it out . Every night I have nightmares, and I think Marcus knows that, said Mason. Look, Marcus, doesn't have to know all your problems, said Maise.

Meanwhile, The kids were in the boys room. So what are we going to do, we can't find anything about your dad here, and I tried to get my dad to tell me the truth, said Marcus. I can ask Uncle Scrooge to take us to the money bin tomorrow, Suggested Louie. I have a better idea, maybe  there's something inside that box that can help us, said Dewey as he looked through the box,and grabbed the old Junior woodchuck guidebook. Dewey flipped to a page in the book ah here it is, said Dewey. What does it say? Huey asked. Dewey read the note out loud. Dear  J.W.G. as you know I was stranded on an island for five years of my life, I finally gave it a name. I named it bear killer island. So why do you think this will help us find dad, asked Louie. because Uncle Scrooge keeps all of his old maps in his Study,  what if dad is on that island, said Dewey. You really think that nobody is going to know what we're up to, asked Huey. Yeah, said Do  know that your family is going to find out as soon as you land on that island, said Marcus. that's only half of my plan, said Dewey. what's the other half, asked Louie. I don't know, said Dewey.  Donald came upstairs, okay boys it's time for bed, for real this time,said Donald.  The boys climbed into bed and Donald grabbed an old stuffed bear off the shelf, and gave it to Louie. Good night boys, Donald said as he turned off the lights,  and left. Louie hugged the bear, when no one was looking, he looked at the bear's tags. He saw something written, on it. but he couldn't read it.

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