Chapter 29 the start of a new generation

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A few months later, it was early afternoon the snow was melting. It was twelve O' Clock, and RJ got up. Good morning RJ, said Scrooge. Morning Uncle Scrooge, said RJ. Where is your other half, asked Scrooge. I don't know, said RJ. Mason came downstairs with Marcus in his arms, morning little brother said Mason. You know it's the afternoon right, asked Scrooge, and how do you know that, asked Mason. Because your brother didn't wake me up at six o'clock in the morning, said Scrooge. So where are we going today, asked RJ, trying to avoid the conversation. Della came inside. To the land of the titans, home of the creatures of the elements, said Scrooge.The land of titans, said Della. We are going to find the treasure, guarded by Lythos, said Scrooge. by who asked RJ,   LythosThe Mountain King, said Scrooge as he pulled out a map. Hey that's my job I make the maps, said RJ. I know, this map was made before you were born, said Scrooge. RJ, didn't say anything.

They were in the plane. RJ went over Della RJ and Della kissed. How much longer, asked Maise .Twenty minutes, said Della. The plane landed twenty minutes later, just like Della said. Okay kids we will split up, said Scrooge as they got off the plane. Scrooge headed RJ a map. RJ, you and Della will go together. You mean we have to work together said Maise. Scrooge laughed,they went in too different directions. RJ and Della walked for a bit, before they fell into a hole. When they opened their eyes they were in a tunnel. Della was out of breath. RJ went over to her, are you okay he asked. Della nodded her head. Who goes there, said a loud and mean voice. The mountain king's two heads appeared from out of the shadows. Um, we are here for the treasure said RJ. There you too are, said Maise. If you want it you have to go through me, said the mountain king. RJ jumped on one of the mountain kings heads. He grabbed his daggers, and chipped one of the mountain kings heads off. The titan roared, had enough, asked RJ with a smug expression on his face. Never, yelled the titan,the mountain king tried to hit RJ. RJ slid underneath the giant rock fist with ease. Della went behind the mountain king and grabbed the treasure. Come on, let's get out of here, said Della.

The two of them went to go find their uncle. They walked until they heard a noise, it sounded like a gust of wind, come on said RJ as he ran towards the noise. He saw his sister. come and get me, she said, as she was running around in circles trying to make the ice titan dizzy. Della I have a plan, said RJ as he ran towards a volcano. When he came back he had another titan chasing him, it was made of lava. RJ ran in front of the ice titan.the two titans ran into each other. The ice titan was melting, well the lava titan was evaporating, The two titans roared. The duck family ran out of there, as fast as they could. They were in the plane. lad, You have come a long way since your first adventure, you might even be a better adventurer than me, said Scrooge. Thanks Uncle Scrooge, said RJ. Thanks for saving me, little brother, said Maise with a smile on her face. You're wel- hey you know I don't like it when you call me that, said RJ in an annoyed voice. Maise laughed.

It was night everybody else was asleep. RJ, said Della, yay you are going to be a father, said Della. Are you serious? Asked RJ. Della nodded her head, they kissed. So you went on an adventure, said RJ. Yeah said Della quietly, she could tell what RJ was thinking.  You could have gotten killed, our unborn child could've died. Were you not thinking, said RJ. I know I wasn't thinking said Della. Look, I'm not mad at you. It's just god finally gave us a chance to be parents, and I don't want to blow it, said RJ. You won't,said Della. They went to bed. The next morning, RJ and Della went downstairs. Do you two want to go on an adventure, asked scrooge. RJ Covered Della's Mouth, no we won't come I have to help DJ, said RJ. Scrooge left RJ. Why did you say that? asked Della. Because, I don't want you to get hurt, and I have to help DJ with something, said RJ. I have a feeling you're going to be an overprotective father, said Della. RJ and Della kissed. I'll be back said RJ. RJ got up and left the mansion. RJ, went down the street to a house, and knocked on the door, DJ answered it. What took you so long, asked DJ. I forgot, RJ lied. I doubt that, said DJ. So, what do you need help with, RJ asked. I want to rob the money bin, said DJ, and, why do you want me to help you, asked RJ. Because, scrooge won't get mad at you, you're his family, said DJ. I'm not going to help you said RJ. Meanwhile, back at the mansion. Raven broke through the window, ash barked and tried to bite Raven. Raven put a muzzle on ash. Ash growled, hello Della duck, said Raven, as he tied a rope around her. He hit her until she was bleeding and unconscious, too easy, he said as he pulled Della and ash into the car. A car with the F.O.W.L logo drove past RJ. RJ saw ash, he was sticking his head out the window. He was Wearing a muzzle. Come on, said RJ, as he ran towards the mansion. Where are we going? asked DJ, we have to go see if  Della's okay, said RJ. When they got to the mansion. RJ saw the broken window, he saw blood and glass everywhere. His heart started racing, he felt like he was being punched in the stomach. He knew whose blood was on the floor; it was Della's. Scrooge came through the door. What happened, he asked, Raven took Della, RJ said, as tears fell down his face. Meanwhile, at F.O.W.L. Raven Through Della into a prison cell. why, do you always come after me, asked Della. You know why, said Raven as he left. Over the past three months, RJ went to all the F.O.W.L Hideouts, he knew of. He was about to give up when he heard a dog barking. He ran towards the sound and found Della. Raven was about to cut Della in the stomach, RJ Jumped in front of Della. The blade cut RJ instead of Della. One month later RJ  and Della were at the hospital. RJ went over to Della. She was holding three eggs RJ smelled and kissed Della.

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