Chapter 28 Christmas

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Marry Christmas
RJ and Della were twenty one. Mason has been staying at the mansion with Margaret and their son Marcus, for the past year. It was Christmas eve. Marcus was crying. RJ was awake because of it. He went downstairs,Ash nudged RJ's leg. Yay I know boy, let's go, said RJ as he clipped Ash's leash to his caller. Ash ran upstairs and into the bedroom and woke Della, by licking her face. I'm up, said Della as she yowed. RJ grabbed her hand, and pulled her out of bed. RJ, said Della in an annoyed voice, come on, I have a surprise, said RJ. What kind of a surprise, asked Della. I will show you, said RJ as he opened the door. A reindeer was waiting outside for them. RJ, how did get a reindeer to the mansion, asked Della. That's a secret,I thought we could go to the North Pole said RJ. Della kissed RJ, they got on the reindeer. A little while later they were at the North Pole. It looked different, It wasn't the magical place they dreamed of as kids.instead it was dark and had no christmas spirit. Something's wrong, said RJ as the reindeer landed.

Back at the mansion.
Where is RJ, asked Mason, as he was playing with Marcus. Marcus put his feet in his mouth and giggled. I don't know but Della is gone too, I wouldn't worry about him,lad your brother knows what he's doing, said Scrooge. Does he really, Mason said with a smirk on his face, it made him look like RJ. Did everybody tell you? That you look like your brother when you do that, you both have that dorky grin on your face, said Scrooge. Mason rolled his eyes. Do you know what they want, asked Mason. What they want you can't give, said Scrooge as he looked at Marcus. Now what you want for Christmas, asked Scrooge. Mason stopped, he remembered his favorite Christmas. It was the one day a year, where him and his brother wouldn't fight.

Flashback, Mason was seven years old, RJ and Maise were five. Mason wake up, said RJ as he jumped on Mason's bed. When he was a kid he talked with a lisp. I'm up ,I'm up, said Mason, as he kicked RJ off his bed. Oof, come on let's go make our list for Santa, said RJ excitedly. What's the point, he never comes, mumbled Mason. come on, don't you want to see if he brings you that robot, asked RJ. How about we go see my friends, first, said Mason. You mean your girlfriend, RJ said in a sarcastic voice. The boys were  almost out the door. Where are you too going, asked Jack.
we are going to see my friend's, said Mason. Yeah, your girlfriend joked, RJ.  Fine but be back in an hour, if you're not, you know what I will do, yelled Jack. The boys ran. They ran into Margaret. hay, what are you doing here asked Mason. I'm helping your grandpa, said Margaret. RJ quickly lost interest, and went over to his grandpa. Grandpa, what are you doing? asked RJ. Nothing,you should go with your brother, said Jake. Why, I have my sister, and DJ. I don't need anyone else, and if I make a friend, my dad will push them out of my life, RJ. It was the next day RJ woke up early, he ran to his sister's room, and woke her up. They went to their brother's room, and did the same. The three kids ran outside, they saw a bright red sled waiting for them. Merry Christmas, said Jake. The kids hugged their grandpa. They played with their sled for the rest of the day. End of flashback

This place looks different, it's not what I thought It would look like, said RJ. RJ and Della walked for a while. They came across a Gingerbread man, he kind of looked like a Beagle boy. Two elfs came running towards, Della and RJ. Stop, said one of the elfs. Gotta run as fast as I can. You can't catch me, I'm the Beagle bread man, said Gingerbread man that looked like a Beagle boy. Bread Beagle stop, in the name of the Nice list, said the elf. The other took Della and RJ to the big man himself. Where are you taking us? asked RJ. silence said the elf. An hour later the elf put Della and RJ in a jail cell. The bars of the jail cell were made of candy cane's, The structure Of the building Was made of Chocolate chip cookies. Hay let us out of here, said RJ. The elf ignored RJ and left. RJ tried to eat through the wall. Della rolled her eyes, you know that's not going to work, said Della. I knew that, said RJ. I don't know why we are here, said Della. Santa came and unlocked the door. Santa, RJ said in a confused voice. Ho, ho, ho, I need your help, Santa said. So you put us in prison, asked Della. I didn't mean to, said Santa. RJ rolled his eyes, what do you need help with, asked RJ. I need you too to help me deliver presents, said Santa. RJ looked at Della, they both nodded their heads. Perfect you can take Buck, said Santa. Buck repeated, RJ in a confused voice. Buck is the reindeer that didn't make my slay team, said Santa. Why, asked RJ. Because he is crazy, said Santa. You Just have to deliver the presents to Duckburg, said Santa. The two of them left on the reindeer.

They made it to Duckburg, in an hour. I think that's the fastest we've ever made it to Duckburg, said Della. They delivered the presents.for an hour. They went to all of the houses in Duckburg but their own. RJ noticed something in the bag with Mason's name on it, RJ grabbed it. They made it to the mansion. Where were you too? asked Mason. I told you he was real, said RJ as he handed it to Mason. Mason opened it. It was a sock monkey. RJ laughed at his brother, what I was three years old, Mason said.

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