Chapter 24 ran away

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RJ and Della ran out of the fowl HQ. They ran down the street until they were in the park, they hid behind a tree. RJ ,why did he have to die, Della sobbed. RJ hugged Della, it's my fault, I should've been the one who died, said RJ. don't you dare say that, said Della. They kissed, come on, let's go back home, said Della No, my sister will be mad at me, because I broke a Promise, said RJ. What are you talking about, asked Della. When I was a kid, I was known as the troubled child because everyone knew I was part of fowl's experiments. Kids would bully me and my sister. When I went to preschool, nobody would play with me except for DJ and my sister. because they knew who I was on the inside. When kids would bully me, I would run away to clear my head. My sister would get worried about me. So one day I made a promise to never run off again, and now I broke it, said RJ. Della kissed RJ. Before I met you, I felt alone in the world because everybody made fun of me, and they said my family didn't want me or Donald. sure I had Donald, but when I met I felt like I belonged, said Della. It was dark outside RJ and Della fell asleep,Della cuddled RJ. Meanwhile at the mansion. Have you guys seen my sister, asked Donald she's with RJ, said Scrooge. Where,are they asked Donald, thay ran away, said Scrooge. Maise came downstairs when RJ can't, handle something he runs away. Even though he promised he would never do it again, said Maise. Let them be, kids they will come back home, said Scrooge. It was morning and RJ woke up. He had the feeling that someone was watching him ,so he woke up Della. I think we're being watched, said RJ, being watched by who, asked Della. I don't know, but we should go somewhere else, so they don't catch us said RJ. Come on, let's go back home, said Della. No they might follow us, said RJ. RJ and Della ran away from duckburg. Over there yelled a duck, come on RJ said Della.Della and RJ ran into the forest. RJ tripped over a rock oof said RJ. RJ, are you okay? asked Della, yay. Over here, said a male duck. come on, said Della. RJ tried to get up but he couldn't ow, said RJ. Della Touched RJ leg, RJ screamed in pain. Stay here, I will go get something that will help, said Della. Della left,

someone wearing a hood, grabbed RJ. Hey what are you doing, put me down. Do you know who I am? yelled RJ. The duck brought RJ to a cave, and set him down. I know who you are, RJ. But you wouldn't know who I am, you weren't born yet, said the duck as he took off his hood. But you're finally home, said the duck. I'm Nick what do you want from me? Do you work for FOWL, did Scrooge send you to come find me? asked RJ. Slow down kid. Look I don't know how to say this but I'm your real dad,said Nick. Della pined Nick to the ground, get away from him yelled Della. Della don't, yelled RJ. Della stopped and let Nick up. RJ he's an enemy said Della. RJ went outside the cave and Della followed. RJ you don't know if you can trust him, said Della. If I didn't trust the people, I would have never met you. Sometimes, you have to take a risk, said RJ. If Nick really is your dad, I might never get to see you again, said Della. I promise you we will never be far apart, ever again said RJ. It's time, you find your real family, said Della. RJ and Della kissed, RJ went back into the cave. I don't trust you, I don't believe you. So you will go to Fowl and be with Mason, said RJ. Look, I know you don't want to trust me, and you probably don't believe everything I say, and that's okay. you've had a hard life kid, said Nick. You're not lying are, you asked RJ.RJ I'm telling the truth, I've been waiting nineteen years but I finally found you, said Nick. He's telling the truth, said a voice. The duck appeared out of the shadows, uncle Ludwig, said RJ and Della at the same time. RJ, he's your real father, Nick is telling the truth kiddo, said Ludwig Von Drake. RJ hugged his dad.

They all  were outside the mansion. . Maise came outside. you could have been killed, you promised me you would never run away again, yelled Maise. RJ looked down in shame, I know but I found our dad, said RJ. Don't change the subject - wait what, he found me, said Nick.  How do I know that you are really my dad, the last time I called someone that, he was a villain and stole us for evil.  But I'm telling the truth, said Nick. RJ is he our father, asked Maise. RJ noddedhis head sadly. Scrooge came outside. Nick, I told you to stay away from Here, said scrooge. you have my kids, by law I have the right to my kids, said Nick. Uncle Scrooge asked RJ. I can't go against law, go get packed up kids, said scrooge. RJ was about to go upstairs. Yeah bear killer, go with your real dad, and let me kill everyone you care about, Raven. not on my watch said RJ, RJ looked at Della and went over to her, don't kill your self, Joked Della. I won't, said RJ. Alright RJ, I'm finishing you, said Raven. RJ cut Raven, and pinned him to the ground. Raven got up, and punched RJ pinning him to the wall. RJ was bleeding give up yet, bear killer, asked Raven. You know, I would look behind you if I were you, said RJ, Della punched Raven. Get out of here, before I really get mad, said RJ. Raven punched. RJ. There goes the easy way out, mumbled RJ, RJ cut Raven. You win this time, said Raven as he ran away. told you I'd be okay , I just needed a little help, said RJ, a little, asked Della. Okay maybe a lot, said RJ. Della and RJ kissed, well I guess this is goodbye, Della said. Now wait a minute. RJ, I'm not going to take you away from where you are happy, said Nick. Really asked Maise and RJ at the same time.  I was so close to getting rid of you, mumbled Donald. Della and RJ kissed, I told you I wasn't going anywhere.   RJ  tuned to Donald oh yay I heard what you mumbled, said RJ.

It was night RJ, Maise, Donald, and Della went to bed, leaving Scrooge and Nick alone. How did you find my kids before I did, asked Nick. Della Found RJ on an island, and saved his life when they were ten. Ever since that day he has lived here, said scrooge. What about Maise, asked Nick. RJ found Maise on the street, said scrooge. I should have tried to keep them, safe but instead I let F.O.W.L take them. It's all my fault, said Nick. sometimes we do things without thinking, said scrooge has he got up. Nick walked down the hallway, until he saw something familiar on RJ's bed. He went into his room and picked it up, it was his old-stuffed bear, his dad had  given it to him alone time ago. RJ walked down the hallway, and saw his dad. Don't touch my stuff, RJ said you don't trust me do you, asked Nick. It"s not my fault whenever I did something wrong, Jack would hurt me," said RJ. RJ showed Nick his wrist,  it had scars on it.  I was just being a kid, going on small adventures with grandpa. When he found out he would hurt me, said RJ. I wish I would have protected you better. Are you mad at me? asked Nick. If I lived where I was Supposed to, I would have never met Della. So no I'm not mad at you, said RJ. RJ went back to bed.

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