Chapter 26 Game night

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It was morning. RJ Was sleeping on the desk in Scrooge's study, a screwdriver in one hand, and a robot programming chip in the other. A Watch was on the desk, he made it in case ash was trapped somewhere. Della came into the office, Della laughed and went over to RJ. She saw something red on RJ. Come on RJ, you have to get up before Uncle Scrooge finds out, said Della in a worried voice. Della don't worry it's just ketchup, said RJ. RJ that wasn't funny, I thought you were hurt. said Della. RJ kissed Della. kids yelled Scrooge, well let's go see what adventure we're going on today, said RJ as he got up. Della and RJ went to the living room. Duckworth what are you doing here asked Della. Your uncle has a Mission said Duckworth. Why didn't you tell me it was a mission for dad? asked RJ. Because, said Scrooge as he opened the door and left. RJ ran after him. RJ was almost at the money bin. Bear killer, where are your friends ,yelled Raven as he took out a knife and cut RJ on his stomach. RJ ,clutched his stomach and screamed in pain. Raven was going to cut RJ again, but Della stopped him. Raven ran away, well that was easy said Della. He's planning something, RJ said as he tried to get up. RJ screamed in pain, Della helped RJ up, and they went back to the mansion. RJ and Della where RJ old room. What did Raven do to you this time, asked Della. RJ took off his shirt, and showed Della his cut .l'm fine, Della don't worry, said RJ as he grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned the cut. I can't do everything, but worry, said Della. RJ and Della kissed. DJ Knocked on the door and opened it. RJ what happened to you, asked DJ. Take a guess, said RJ. Raven Did this to you didn't he, said DJ. yeah and I didn't need Any help, said RJ. Della Glared at RJ. Okay Maybe Just a little, said RJ. Without the games we used to play, you wouldn't be alive, said DJ. I still hate those games, said RJ. DJ left, what was all that about, asked Della. DJ doesn't have a family, when I met him he showed me how to Survive, my grandpa also Helped me too by taking me on Adventures, said RJ. How did you too become friends, asked Della. He stole my Screwdriver, in my secret Hideout. Ever Since that day we have been Best friends, said RJ.

Well i'm going to Work on my inventions, said RJ as he went to Scrooge's study, Della followed. What are you working on anyway, asked Della.  A robot, said RJ. Does it have a name, asked Della. The Personalized, automatic, lifesaver, or P.A.L for Short, said RJ.  You really want to become a Senior woodchuc, don't you, asked Della. Yeah said RJ. You know you keep me up, when you Invent, said Della. I do, asked RJ. Yep, I think we should add a Camera to it, and A signal, that reaches all the way from outer space, said Della.  How about Voice controls, said RJ. That's a good idea, said Della. They worked on the Programming chip for an hour, okay I need a break, said RJ as he yawned. What are you kids, doing in here, asked scrooge. Um nothing said Della and RJ at the same time. Well I thought we could have a game night, said Scrooge Scrooge left , oh no said Della. what asked RJ. You know how uncle scrooge Is with his enemies, asked Della. Yeah, said RJ. On game night we are the Enemies. said Della, RJ gulped. They went to the living room, are you ready to lose, asked Scrooge as he opened the Board game. No way, said RJ. There was a machine inside the box.  What is that? asked Della. A  Shrink ray, said scrooge.

Where are the Pieces, asked RJ as he looked inside the box. We are the pieces, said scrooge as he Turned on the Shrink ray, and pressed a button. Everybody glowed blue and shrunk.  What is this place, asked Donald. We are on the Board game, said scrooge. You mean we're stuck here, said RJ. Your no Scared are you, asked Scrooge with a smirk on his face. No, said RJ as he went to the river, and sat down on an Alligator. Why is this rook moving, asked RJ. That's not a rook, said Della.  RJ got up and looked Behind him, and saw an Alligator. RJ, ran to the end of the Bored. h-he won, scrooge said in Shock.  I won, said RJ. ha we win, and you lose, said Della. 

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