Chapter 30 the mother you never knew

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"What, if I'm not a good father?" said RJ looking down at the eggs. "If you can survive living on an island for five years, you can survive," said Della. "But what If they are abandoned, then I will be as bad as the person who raised me," said RJ. Scrooge came into the hospital room, and he saw the three eggs.   So,  is this why you too weren't going on adventures for a month? asked Scrooge. Yeah even though I wanted to come, Della said. RJ rolled his eyes. They were at the mansion, Nick, and Maise were waiting for them. When you  said you had a surprise, I didn't think it would be this, said Jake.  Hi grandpa, said RJ. Nick went over to RJ and hugged him. I'm proud of you kid, said Nick. Thanks Dad, said RJ. Nick went outside. Oh Emma if only you could see him, Nick said to himself. You thinking about Emma again, asked Jake. Yeah, said Nick. You should tell them about Emma, said Jake. I guess you're right they should know about their mom, said Nick. The next day. RJ went to his old house. RJ there you are,said Nick. So why am I here, asked RJ. you're old enough now, It's time that I told you about your mother, said Nick. RJ didn't say anything. Nick took RJ to an old house. Nick climbed up to a window, and opened it and went inside the house, RJ followed. Dad, isn't this trespassing, asked RJ. It's not trespassing, unless you get caught, said Nick. Miguelbree, yelled a loud voice. Oh no, said Nick. The door opened, Miguelbree, said the man. I know Just give me two hours, said Nick. The man looked at RJ. Fine but make it quick, said the man as he left.  Now, Where was I.oh yeah I was fourteen, Nick began.

Nick, you got to get ready for school, Jake said. A teenage boy came running down the stairs. Slow down, said Mary. Sorry mom, said Nick as he grabbed a piece of toast. Slow down kiddo, said Jake. He could tell Nick was not happy about going to school. It worried him, because Nick didn't have friends. Dad, said Nick as he walked over to him. You will find a friend someday, said Jake. Nick was at school. Class today we have a new student, everyone. I would like you all to meet Emma waddler,said the teacher. Yes, I'm finely in the same class as my girlfriend,said Jack. Emma rolled her eyes. Emma you will sit beside Nick, said the teacher. Hi, said Nick as Emma sat down beside him. An hour later the bell rang. Nick sat down at a table by himself, which was normal. Nick couldn't help but notice, Emma pulling away from Jack as he kissed her. He ignored it, he knew he shouldn't get involved. Even if it was disgusting  to watch. Nick was walking home, he was at the neighbors farmhouse. He had to walk through their farm yard, to get to his house. He heard yelling, he was surprised to see Emma running out of the house, she was crying. Nick walked over to her. You okay, he asked. Yeah, Emma looked up and saw Nick. Nick, what are you doing here?" Asked Emma. I was walking home,I live in the farmyard beside here. I couldn't help but hear the yelling, I then saw you, said Nick. you're not like Jack, you're kind, Nick blushed. Jack is never there for me; he only cares about using me, I'm glad I have a friend like you said Emma. Nick, smiled I'll see you tomorrow at school, said Nick as he walked away. Do you want to walk with me to school tomorrow, asked Emma. Sure, said Nick. He heard a dog whining. He found the dog. it was a stray, it looked like it was going to have puppies in a month.hey girl, he said, as he led the dog to his house. Nick opened the door, the dog ran into the house. Nick, where did you get that dog from, asked Jake. I found her in the field, can we keep her? asked Nick. You can until we find her owner, but you have to take care of her, said Jake. I will,thanks Dad, said Nick as he hugged him. Nick took the dog outside, I'm going to call you Bella, he said, the dog barked. You like it don't you, said Nick. Nick went to bed.

The next day Nick woke up early and went out the door. Hi Nick, said Emma. Hi, are you ready to go? asked Nick. Yeah, said Emma. Nick, and Emma walked into their classroom. When they sat down in their seats. Jack looked mad. It was lunchtime. Emma, why are you hanging out with that freak, asked Jake as he kissed her. Emma looked at Nick. I don't love you, I never have, I never will,said Emma. Jake was about to hit Emma. Hay, keep your dirty hands off of her, yelled Nick. Jake hit Nick, for the whole lunch hour they were fighting. They were both bleeding, Nick had a black eye. Hay Jake, to the office, said the teacher. Ow, my eye Nick said to himself. Nick, are you okay? asked Emma. Yeah, said Nick, three hours later. They were at Emma's house. Emma's twin brother came outside. James, what are you doing, asked Emma. Looking for something, who are you, and what happened, asked James. I'm Nick, and I kind of got into a fight, said Nick. Let me guess, you got into a fight with her boyfriend, didn't you, asked James. Jack is not my boyfriend,said Emma. I did get into a fight with Jack, said Nick. Well, I'll see you later, said Nick as he left. When Nick opened the door, he looked at his Dad. A worried expression grew on Jake's face. Is it really that obvious, asked Nick. Jake nodded his head. What happened, he asked. I got into a fight with Jack, said Nick. Over what asked Jake. Yesterday I made a friend, Jake was going to hit her, so I hit him first, said Nick. It was the weekend. Nick looked out his window and saw Emma. He went outside. Emma, what are you doing here, asked Nick. I came to see if you wanted to go to Duckburg, with me, asked Emma. Nick could tell that she was uncomfortable asking him this. Yeah I will come, I just have to ask my parents said Nick. Nick went inside the house. You're up early, said Marry. Umm, mom, can I go to Duckburg asked Nick. Sure, just be back before midnight, said Marry. Thanks mom, said Nick as he went outside. We can go, but we have to be back by midnight, said Nick. They began to walk to Duckburg. So, do you want to be partners with me for the ELA project, asked Emma. Yeah, no one has ever asked me that before, normally, the teacher has to force someone to be my partner, you're the only friend I've ever made,said Nick. They walked in awkward silence for a minute. So, why did you move school's, asked Nick. kids were mean to me, said Emma. You just gotta ignore them because you are the nicest person I ever met, said Nick. I'm glad to have you as a friend, said Emma. They made it to Duckburg. So what do you want to do, asked Emma. Nick took two movie tickets out of his pocket, I thought we could go to a movie, said Nick. Two hours later. We should head back home, said Emma. They got home at midnight. Nick went into the house. His mother was sitting on the couch, wide awake. Mom you're still awake, I thought you would be asleep, said Nick I'm, your mother I go to sleep when you do, said marry.

One month later. Nick was in the barn with his dog and one of her puppies. I thought I'd find you here, said Emma. Hi, Emma said Nick as he was holding two puppies, can you keep an  eye on Bella, well I go get my dad, asked Nick. Sure, said Emma, Nick left. When he got back, his dad was following behind. There were now five puppies. Nick, they are not breathing , said Emma. Nick grabbed one of the puppies and blew into its mouth. The puppy whimpered. He did the same to the other four puppies,But, only three survived.How do you know how to do that, asked Emma. I had practice, said Nick.

His flashback was interrupted. Ah dad, said RJ. Nick came back to reality when he heard his son talk. What is the point of this story, asked RJ. I'm getting there, said Nick. Nick went back to telling the story.Now where was I ,oh yeah.

Back to the flashback
At this point Jake left. Nick, I came here to tell you something, Emma said. Did Jack hurt you? Are you okay? Ar- Emma kissed Nick on the cheek. He looked at her, and kissed her back.The two of them kissed each other for two hours before they stopped to talk. It was the next day. Nick, Emma and James were walking to school. Ha! I knew you too were dating, I mean, you too hangout every single day and night. It was going to happen eventually, said James. You know, you're taking this better than I thought, said Nick. Well you're my friend, said James.when they got to school. Jack saw Emma and Nick, holding hands. hey, get away from her, Miguelbree, said Jack. No, we won't listen, because I love him, said Emma. Years had passed. In that time they got married, moved into their own house and Mason was born. Nick's story was interrupted again by RJ, wait a minute, you got to meet Mason, asked RJ. I feel like you forget that you, and your brother are two years apart, said Nick. At this point Jack  found out about your brother, so me and your mother hid in an abandoned building. Not long after we found out about you, and your sister. What we didn't know was that Jack was spying on us, he kidnapped us, and the moment that you were laid, he killed your mother. He ran away and took you three with him. It wasn't until you and Della found me, that I finally got to meet you. The point of me telling you this story, is because I don't want your kids to get hurt by your enemies, and sometimes, you can't protect them even if you want to, and I know you're worried about that, said Nick. How did you know that, asked RJ. It's normal, said Nick.

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