Chapter 39 The monster in the shadows

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It was morning, RJ was up earlier than usual, he kept thinking about how to tell his grandpa, and his dad that he was alive. Even if he had only been back on earth for three days, Including today. He also didn't want to leave the boys, he was scared of losing them again. Rider, are you okay, asked  Mrs.Beakley. Agent twenty two, what are you doing here, asked RJ. I'm retired from spy work, you don't need to call me that anymore, Mrs.Beakley said. Sorry Mrs. B, I guess a lot has changed since I've been gone, said RJ. Do you want to tell me what's wrong, asked  Mrs.Beakley. I could've helped Uncle Scrooge, but instead I ran away, said RJ. You regret leaving, but you can fix things between you two, said Mrs.Beakley. Thanks Mrs. B, RJ said as he left. An hour later, RJ made it to his old house. Nick saw a familiar face, he ran outside As RJ got out of the truck. Nick hugged RJ as tight as he could. don't ever do that again, Nick said quietly. I won't, RJ said. Nick broke the hug. Come on kid, let's go find your grandpa, said Nick, as he started walking to the field.

When they got there they saw a glowing globe. What is that, asked RJ. I don't know, said Nick, as he Touched it. Dad what are yo-, all he could see was a white light. Two minutes later he saw himself standing on Clouds. RJ looked around, he saw people glowing, he also saw his dad, who was not glowing like the others. Am I dead, RJ said to himself. Yes and no said a voice. . RJ and Nick turned around at the same time, and saw a male duck. You're in the afterlife, and if you don't pass three trials, within 44 hours, you will be here forever, said the duck. What's the first test, asked RJ. You will need to find a friend, to find that out, said the duck. RJ, and Nick, walked down different streets. The afterlife looked exactly like earth, except it was peaceful, it had houses, restaurants, stores and streets like earth. Nick was running, RJ could barely keep up. Dad, where are you going, asked RJ. I'm looking for someone, said Nick. RJ knew who his dad was looking for. I get it you're looking for mom, but can you slow down, RJ asked. Yeah cuz we're here, said Nick as he went to the door, and knocked on it. RJ waited by the fence,he thought he would give them a minute, considering, they hadn't seen each other since he was born. Emma, opened the door. Look I told you, I would help you - Nick what are you doing here, are you dead, Asked Emma. kind of, said Nick.  Nick, what did you do, asked Emma. I didn't do anything, said Nick, a nervous smile formed on his face. You're lying, said Emma. Yeah,I am, Nick said quietly. Emma kissed Nick, I've missed you, said Emma. RJ cleared his throat, Emma looked at RJ, and hugged him. Wait, you brought our kid here, asked Emma. Nick scratched the back of his head. Yes, said Nick. Emma rolled her eyes, Rider how did you get here, asked Emma. Dad touched something that was cursed, said RJ. Nick rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. If you too want to get out of here, we are going to go there, said Emma, as she pointed to a building in the distance.

They walked for a few minutes, before coming across something that looked like a sea monster, except it was in lava instead of water. Nick jumped on the Monster's head. The monster Knocked Nick off of him, Nick's body slammed against the wall. Dad, yelled RJ. RJ went over to his Dad. Dad, are you okay, asked RJ.  I'm okay, kid, said Nick. RJ looked at his dad with fear in his eyes. I told you I'm fine, said Nick. I'm not leaving you, Come on, said RJ as he helped his dad up off the ground. They ran towards the monster. Emma ran behind them. They defeated the monster. After that, They walked for a bit. They were almost at the Building when walls began to form around them, This separated them from each other. Dad, mom, yelled RJ. I'm right here on the other side of the right wall, said Emma. Dad, yelled RJ. i'm right here kid, said Nick. His dad was behind the other wall on the left side. Follow the wall, eventually the walls will connect, said RJ. They did what their son told them, and an hour later, they were standing side by side in front of a portal. I need to tell you two something before you go home, said Emma. what is it, asked Nick. Jack didn't kill me, someone else did, and I don't know who, said Emma. That actually makes sense, said RJ. it does asked Nick. Jack couldn't have killed mom, and taken us at the same time, said RJ. That makes much more sense now, said Nick. Emma hugged RJ, promise me you will stay safe, and protect your family, no matter the cost, said Emma as she broke the hug. I will, said RJ. Nick went over to Emma. I don't want to leave you, said Nick. Emma and Nick kissed, you gotta go. He's hard headed like you, he needs you to get him out of trouble, said Emma. Nick, and RJ went through the portal. They were back at the Farm. Come on kid, let's go tell them what we learned Nick said quietly. RJ hugged his dad, Nick broke the hug and got into the truck. When they got to the mansion Della was waiting for them. They kissed, where have you been asked Della. Go get Donald, said RJ.

A/n Sorry for the wait

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