Chapter 23 the rise of agent 44

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The next day, RJ went downstairs. Della looked at RJ, what's wrong asked RJ. My dad has been captured by fowl, and Uncle Scrooge won't do anything about it, said Della. Then I will, said RJ. You are not going anywhere said Mrs. Beakley. Agent twenty-two, said Della in surprise. I came to tell you what happened to your father , but you already know said Mrs. Beakley. yeah Uncle Scrooge won't help him said Della, so I am said RJ. Then provide, you can do it said Mrs. Beakley. Mrs. Beakley tried to kick RJ, but RJ pined Mrs. Beakley to the wall, I told you that I can go save Quackmore, said RJ. I hate to admit, but I think you're better than Mr McDuck said Mrs. Beakley. yes, said RJ quietly.

Meanwhile at fowl, what do you want from me? asked Quackmore. You are here because of a trap I made for your daughter's friend, so I can get him back said Jack. Leave my kids, and RJ out of this said Quackmore. I just want my son back, said Jack. You are far from a good father, he will never listen to you, said Quackmore. I will make him, said Jack. Jack grabbed a gun you wouldn't said Quackmore. Oh I will said Jack. back at the mansion, RJ was in his room RJ you're walking into a trap said Della. I know but I'm not letting, fowl tear this family apart,said RJ. come back safe, said Della, RJ kissed Della I well said RJ. RJ went downstairs, and left with Mrs. Beakley. RJ got in the car. Where are we going asked RJ. If you Want to save Quackmore, you have to become an agent, said Mrs. Beakley. So much for coming back in one piece mumbled RJ. We are here said Mrs. Beakley, when RJ got out of the car he saw a big building. Woah   what is this place, asked RJ. The S.H.U.S.H. Training center said Mrs. Beakley. Wait, Uncle Scrooge told me never to come here said RJ. You are older now. said  Mrs. Beakley, and why did he not want me to come here, asked RJ. He didn't want you to get hurt, trying to find your biological family said  Mrs. Beakley. Wait what he knows where my family is asked RJ. Mrs. Beakley stopped cold. get him to explain when you get home, said Mrs. Beakley. Why I'm I really hear asked RJ. To save Quackmore and to find out the truth, said Mrs. Beakley. Mrs. Beakley took RJ to a room. Maise was there and an agent was also there. RJ sat down in a chair beside his sister, Mrs. Beakley left the room. My name is agent 33 and I was the one who was on your case, he said   you didn't do a very good job, mumbled RJ. Look, I know that you probably don't want to hear this from me, but you have to find out someday, said agent 33. I Just don't want to know, I don't need my past said Maise. Yeah but I do, said RJ. It was before you two were born, as you know you were stolen by Jack. He didn't like your father so they were going to raise you for evil. Your father tried to stop Jack, but he grabbed your mother and killed her. when your father went over to her Jack escape with you three, said agent 33.  RJ got up and ran away. He ran to a back alley, grabbed his Dagger, and cut himself. He screamed in pain. Why me,why me sobed RJ.

meanwhile back at the mansion. Della, RJ ran away, said Scrooge. where is he asked Della. I don't know, Scrooge said, I'm going to find him said Della. She left.Della walked down the street, she heard someone crying and she followed the sound. RJ Della said Della. leave me alone for the rest of my life, you don't deserve me said RJ. Don't say that, I love you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, said Della. I can't live like this. I need to find my real family. My whole life has been a lie. so I'm leaving, said RJ. Then I will come with you, said Della. No you have your family, and I don't want you to deal with my problems, said RJ. I've been dealing with your problems since the day we met, said Della. well, what if we run away together? asked RJ. You can't just run away from your problems, said Della. We could start our own life, I wouldn't hurt Uncle Scrooge, Donald or you.  Because fowl wouldn't know where we are, said RJ. Della thought about it, okay said Della, but we should save my dad first, said Della. Right said RJ. Della and RJ went to the  fowl HQ and found Quackmore. Della,RJ  yelled,Quackmore.  Bear killer, yelled Jack. y-you killed my mother, you took me away from my family, you hurt me for everything I did, yelled RJ. so, you found out the truth, said Jack. yeah and I hate you. you deserve to die, said RJ. Jack tried to kill RJ, but someone Jumped in front of him. Jack left satisfied with his actions. Quackmore coughed, Della go get help, Quackmore said softly. Della went to go get the cops. RJ you can be with Della, for the rest of your life I'm not going to make it, Quackmore said softly. When Della came back, she hugged her father until the cops came. Then Della and RJ ran away.

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