Chapter 42 the daughter you never knew.

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Della and RJ were sixteen
I'm sorry she didn't make it, said the nurse. Tears fell down on RJ's, and Della's faces.

? P.O.V.
I was walking down the street, when I heard a duckling crying. I went over to the woman holding the duckling, and without a word, she gave me her little girl. The first thing I did was take her to the hospital. I found out that her Parents think she's dead, A Secret Organization, paid the hospital to lie to her parents about her death, and on top of that, I learned that I was her great- uncle. I will take her in, I said to the nurse, without a second thought. What are you going to name her, the nurse asked. Jayde Miguelbree, I said. That day was the day my life changed.
For the past three years I raised Jayde, without any contact from the Outside world. Which was one of the hardest things I've ever done. uncle can I go outside , asked Jayde. No, I said. Just then the doorbell rang. Hi James, said a very familiar voice. It was the kid that I had helped escape from a Dangerous organization twenty years ago. She was holding a duckling that looked to be about four years old. Jayde waddled over to me, as best as she could. Considering the fact that she was three years old, she was already very good at walking. What is its name? I asked, pointing to the duckling in my friend's Arms. His name is Cole, she said. From that day on, Cole and Jayde have been best Friends.

Jayde's P.o.v. Present day.
We were at the park. Come on today's the day, he said.Cole, it's too early, I said. oh come on Jayde, it's the perfect time, cus nobody's at the money bin, and besides you need the money,Cole said. How are we getting in? I asked through the front door, said Cole. I face Palmed, it's the middle of the day I said. I gotta be back before supper time or my dads will get mad at me, said Cole.fine we will do it now I said. Thank you jaguar, said Cole.  jaguar was my nickname. Let's go I said, I wasn't too fond of the Idea. but I knew this would help me, and my Uncle James.

Cole's P.O.V.
We made it to the money bins entrance,  you ready to do this,asked Jayde. I nodded. I'm the luckiest person in the world to have Jayde as my friend, but I wish she was more than that. I just don't know how to tell her how I feel. We were just about to walk Through the front door, when I stopped dead. I felt a sharp  pain in my ankle. Then everything went black.

Jayde's P.o.v.
I saw a Dart hit Cole's ankle, and I saw him Drop dead. I then felt something hit my own ankle, but I was Able to keep Moving,it just slowed me down. I got hit With another Dart a minute later, and everything went black. When I woke up I saw an old lady. The lady was sitting in A chair that was Facing me. I tried to stand, but my hands were in handcuffs. They were attached to the table which was in between me and the old lady, So I gave up on Trying to escape. Where is Cole, I asked, trying to sound Tough, but in Reality I sounded scared and Worried. He is in the other room, she said. I felt relieved.

Ms. Beakley's p.o.v.
You have nothing to worry about, I said, I could tell that she was nervous. I'm going to start by asking a few questions, I said. the girl nodded , what's your name, I asked.
Jayde Miguelbree, she said. I was shocked when I heard the last name. I Immediately gave the girl a DNA test.

Meanwhile in the other room.

Cole's P.O.V.

I heard a Scottish voice speaking to me, as I was slowly waking up. When I opened my eyes, I saw Scrooge Mcduck himself. I'm in big trouble, I said to myself. Indeed, how did you break into the money bin in the first place? asked Scrooge. I'm smart when it comes to technology, I said this was true. Jayde and I hacked into the school Computers a lot, so we didn't have to go to school and, to get A pluses In every class. What is your name lad, asked scrooge.Cole Wing blade, I said. Scrooge looked at me funny. your Father is the second in command, for the Chief of Police, he said. I looked down at my feet, I knew he'd be coming any minute now.

Ms. Beakley's p.o.v.

As I walked towards Della, and RJ. I thought about what to tell them. I eventually made it to where they were sitting. You were right Della, she is your daughter, I said. As I expected they didn't know what to say. Can we see her, they asked at the same time. I nodded my head, and began to walk towards the room she was in. When we got there I left them alone.

Jayde's P.o.v.
The minute the agent walked through the door with a man and a woman, I knew that they were my parents. I ran over to them and hugged them. I've waited forever for this moment, I said quietly.

Della's P.o.v.
As I hugged my daughter, I realized how much of this was my fault, if I just told Uncle Scrooge, instead of risking her life.

RJ's P.o.v.
All those years of regret, grief, and depression. went away when my daughter hugged me.

Scrooge came into the room interrupting them, you have some explaining to do, he said.

Jayde's p.o.v.
At that moment, I saw Cole walking out of the building with his dad's. I ran over to him. Hi blade, I said. You know I don't like it when you call me that, he said. I know that's the point, I said. Cole took me somewhere so we could talk alone.

Cole's p.o.v.
We sat down on a bench. So I heard you found your parents, I said. Yeah I did, Jayde said quietly. So, what does this mean for us, I asked.

Jayde's p.o.v.
My heart sank when I heard him say that. We will always be friends, no one is going to take that away from us. If I didn't have you in my life, I would've never been able to find them.Cole this isn't goodbye, it's see you later, I said. Cole come on, a voice said in the distance. I gotta go, I'll text you when I get home,he said, as we walked away from each other.

They were walking home, RJ's p.o.v.
There is something we should tell you,you have three little brothers, I said. They can be a little bit of a handful, said Della. A little isn't the word I would use,I mumbled. A few minutes later, we made it to the ready. I asked Jayde, She nodded. I opened the door. As expected, Huey,Dewey, and Louie were waiting for us at the front door. Huey, Dewey, Louie, we would like you to meet your older sister, said Della. The boys looked at me trying to find a better explanation, they then looked at Jade.

No one p.o.v.
Yes, I'm not the oldest sibling anymore, said Huey. I knew there were four of us, Dewey said, finally someone else to annoy, said Louie, everybody looked at him. What you guys say I'm the evil triplet,he said.

Jayde's p.o.v. A few hours later
My brothers and I played until it was dark outside. As everyone else was getting ready for bed. I stood outside on the balcony. I heard someone behind me, it's just me, I heard my dad say. What happened the day I was born, I asked.

When I heard her say this I was shocked, how much do you know, I asked.

Jayde's p.o.v.
my Uncle James told me that you thought I was dead, I guess he was right, I said. My dad looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I don't even know if he is my uncle, I mumbled.

RJ's P.o.v.
He is, where is he anyway, I asked.

Jayde's p.o.v.
He went to try and stop an organization, it has something to do with revenge. he's never been gone for so long, I'm worried about him, I said.

RJ's P.o.v.
I'll help you find him, if he doesn't show up in a month, I said. Jayde nodded. I walked inside.

A/N I'm waiting more chapters as you are reading this, they will be uploaded at the same time. So I won't update this book in a while. Sorry for the wait.

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