Chapter 37 whatever happened to RJ Duck

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It had been almost a year since Della came home. This meant that RJ had been looking for Della for almost eleven years. well, P.A.L. It looks like we are going home, " said RJ. Back on Earth. I told you he was alive, " said Scrooge. My idiot little brother is alive, said Mason. Are you kids telling the truth? asked Della. He said Dad was alive, said Louie as he pointed to Nick. He's lying, said Mason. Scrooge, and Della went to the money bin. Do you think he is alive? asked Scrooge. of course I do, said Della. Scrooge went into a room in the money bin. I tracked him on this until F.O.W.L shut me down said Scrooge, Della left.

Scrooge plugged in the machine, and fell asleep. Huey went into the money bin, and saw his uncle asleep. In his Dream, he got sucked into the machine. Scrooge was on RJ's rocket ship. Uncle Scrooge wake up, said RJ as he hit him. trying to get him to wake up. RJ was about to hit him again, don't hit me lad, I'm okay, said Scrooge.  Scrooge woke up, and saw Huey hitting him instead of RJ. Uncle Scrooge, what are you doing, asked Huey. I'm trying to find the exact location of your father, said Scrooge.  A week later, RJ's Rocket Ship landed In front of the money bin. Della saw the rocket out the window. She went out the door, ran to the money bin, she looked at RJ. Della I'm dead, I have to be dead, said RJ. You're alive said Della. They kissed,  I'm not going anywhere without you ever again, said RJ they stood there holding each other. Mom has been gone for an hour, said Dewey  I know, said Scrooge. You're not going to look for her, Asked Huey, no, said Scrooge.  Maise ran past Scrooge, and ran to the money bin. She saw a familiar face. RJ, said Maise as she punched him. ow, what was that for, said RJ. You're alive, said Maise. I think so, but I won't be for very much longer if you keep hitting me, said RJ. Maise hugged her brother. The boy's ran, when they got to the money bin. They saw a male duck standing next to their mom. Dad? asked Louie. RJ nodded, Dewey and Louie hugged their dad. RJ looked at Huey. Huey didn't know if it was his dad. Are you sure this isn't a different universe? asked Huey. I'm sure, said RJ. Huey cried, and ran into his dad's arms, he  hugged his dad. RJ hugged his boys, something he wanted to do for eleven years.

Come on, dad said Dewey. They went to the mansion. Ash ran to RJ, knocking him over and licking his face. I missed you too boy, said RJ as he got up. It's good to have you back, said Mason. You changed your mind, I see said RJ. Dewey took his dad to his room. This used to be my room, RJ said. It was, asked Louie. Yep, said RJ. Dad, please don't leave us again, said Huey . I promise you, I will never leave you again, said RJ. Donald came into the room. RJ you're alive, said Donald. Hi ya  Don, said RJ. Donald Tackled RJ to the floor. Uncle Donald get off of dad, said Dewey. Flashback,  daddy, baby Dewey said, I'm not daddy, I Wish they were here. I'm your uncle, said Donald. mama, daddy were they, asked baby Dewey. I don't know, said Donald.End of flashback,  Donald Smiled.  I've been waiting More than a decade,  for you to say that to the right person, Donald said.

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