Chapter 45 lost and found

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A day later

Mason and RJ were sitting at the kitchen table in silence.

RJ's p.o.v.

My brother looked sad. I could tell he was thinking about Margaret. I thought about what he told me yesterday. I will help you find her, I finally said. My brother  looked at me in shock

mason's P.O.V.

You will, I asked my brother nodded. So how exactly are we going to find her I asked. We Wait for the Shadow  to attack first, RJ said. That isn't good enough. I finally get to  save her and you want me to wait, I said in an angry voice. We don't even know if he captured her,RJ said. I know he did,I said. Look if he killed our mother, then he probably killed Margaret, RJ said. No don't say that, I know she's alive I said. We don't even know if the Shadow captured her, I said. it's a place to start, my brother said. I nodded in agreement, he was smart, and Caring, even if he was annoying.

RJ's p.o.v.
We were about to leave the mansion when Della stopped us. Where are you guys going, she asked. We're going to save someone, my brother said as he left the mansion. I was about to leave the mansion when Della grabbed my arm. Why are you doing this, you're not being careful, Della said. I'm only helping my brother, because I know what it's like to lose someone you love. Look,when I lost you I was a mess, and that feeling is exactly what he is going through, I said.  If your not back in two days I'm coming to look for you, Della said. I nodded
No ones p.o.v.
Mason was becoming inpatient,so he honked the horn of the car, RJ and Della kissed before RJ went outside. Dewey saw his dad leaving the house so he secretly started to follow him.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of blue. Dewey I know you're there , I said, as I turned around to face him. How did you know it was me,he asked. You act just like I did when I was little, I said.
Dewey's p.o.v.
dad, can I come with you, you said that we could go on an adventure, like a month ago, and we still haven't gone, I said
RJ's p.o.v.
I know, things have been complicated, but I promise,  as soon as I get back we will go on an adventure, I said. Promise, Dewey asked.I promise kiddo, I said as I ruffled the feathers on the top of his head. Okay said Dewey as he hugged me. As he ran back inside, I went into my truck. You know he's a lot like you, my brother said as I sat down. I know, that's what worries me, I said.

Mason's p.o.v.
So where do we start, I asked trying to change the subject. We should go to where you last saw her, my brother said. I nodded flashback, Marcus is five
Margaret, Marcus and I Were walking to the park. Marcus was running in front of me and Margaret . Slow down, yelled Margaret. No Marcus yelled. He's definitely your kid, Margaret said. I rolled my eyes. After an hour Marcus got tired,so we decided to go home. I picked up the sleepily duckling, and started to walk towards our house. Mason look behind you, I heard Margaret yell. I quietly turned around I saw Raven running towards us. I set Marcus on the ground.Marcus run back home and don't look back. I said. Marcus quickly hugged me and his mom,and then he ran as fast as he could. Mason go with him, Margaret, said. I'm not leaving you, I need you, Marcus needs you, I said tears began to fall down my face. Margaret kissed  me it will be okay, she said. I ran  away, few seconds later I looked back, I saw Margaret being hit by Raven,   I wanted to fight him, but Marcus needed me, so I continued to run back to the house. End of flashback.

You okay, my brother asked. Yeah, I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes, when we got out of the truck, we started retracing Raven's steps. A few minutes later, we found an old abandoned warehouse. We cautiously walked inside, as I looked around, I realized how familiar it was. Do you think anyone is here, I asked. Yeah look over there, my brother whispered, I peeked over the other side of the wall, and saw Raven. Great now what are we going to do.
RJ's p.o.v.
You are going to save Margaret, and I am going to take down Raven, I brother nodded and ran towards the jail cells. I snuck behind the egg-mam, and easily took them out. I continued down the hallway until I found Raven. I realized he had a kid with him, the kid looked to be about five years old. Raven let 'em go, at that moment Raven dropped the kid and started running after me. I finally made it to the jail cells
No one's p.o.v.
RJ ran into the shadows, as fast as he could.where did you go, Raven yelled. RJ grabbed a rope, swung in front of Raven and kicked him into one of the jail cell.

Meanwhile, Mason's p.o.v.
As I ran down the hallway, I heard a noise, as I got closer to where the sound was coming from. I saw my brother, and Raven holding a little boy he looked like he was five. Let him go, I heard my brother yelled. For once Raven did what he was told. As the little boy ran away from Raven. I grabbed him and pulled him aside, so Raven couldn't see him. I could tell the boy was about to scream, so I covered his beak. I turned him, towards me, and took my hand off of his beak. I swear that kid was about to bite me. Why did you help me, the boy asked. You shouldn't be here, I'm going to help you get out. We're not leaving until we get my mom. I shrugged I wasn't going to argue with a five year old. A few minutes later we got to  the jail cells. He continued to take me down the hall, when we reached the end of the hallway the boy opened one of the cell doors. I saw someone very familiar. Margaret I said. The girl nodded her head. At that moment Margaret hugged me as tight as she could. Don't you ever do that again, I said softly as I kissed her. Yuck  you don't even know her, the boy said.
Margaret's p.o.v.
Both of our faces turned bright red.  actually,we've  known each other our whole lives, I said. I still think it's gross, he said. Come on Isaac let's get you out of here, I said. All of the sudden we heard a loud noise coming from the vent. I then saw RJ falling down it. You're alive I said as I hugged him.

Marcus's p.o.v. One hour later.
I looked out the window anxiously waiting for my dad to come home, it wasn't long before I saw my uncle's truck pull up into the driveway. I saw four people get out one of them was the person I have been waiting for. I immediately. Went outside and hugged my mom,  as tears started rolling down my face. Don't ever leave me again, I said softly.

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