Chapter 43 a brother tradition

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At this point it was midnight. RJ walked down the hallway toward the kitchen  with a bear trap in his hands. He tiptoed down the hall past Marcus's room,But he wasn't quite enough. Uncle RJ what are you doing, asked marcus. Nothing, said RJ as he hid the bear trap behind his back. Ok? Then what are you doing? Marcus asked, pointing to his dad that was tiptoeing to the front door.  The same thing he is, said Mason as he pointed to his brother. why, do we even have bear traps, mumbled Marcus  so me and your dad can do our tradition, said RJ. the tradition of trying to kill each other added mason. Why do I feel like I'm the adult,mumbled marcus. Mason ignored his son and continued to talk. It all started the day your uncle was born, said mason. RJ rolled his eyes, and covered his brother's beak. It did not, RJ yelled. He yelled loud enough to wake up scrooge, what is going on here yelled, scrooge. His fault they said in unison, as they pointed to each other. RJ what did you do, asked scrooge. Nothing, he started it by trying to kill me every chance he got, said RJ. enough, i'm tired of hearing you fight, i'm going to teach you a lesson, said scrooge.Mason closed his eyes remembering what Jack did to him every time he said that. I didn't mean it like that lad, said scrooge. I know,said mason. Come on let's go to the money bin, said scrooge. It did not, RJ yelled. He yelled loud enough to wake up scrooge, what is going on here yelled, scrooge. His fault they said in unison, as they pointed to each other. RJ what did you do, asked scrooge. Nothing, he started it by trying to kill me every chance he got, said RJ. enough, i'm tired of hearing you fight, i'm going to teach you a lesson, said scrooge.Mason closed his eyes remembering what Jack did to him every time he said that. I didn't mean it like that lad, said scrooge. I know,said mason. Come on let's go to the money bin, said scrooge.

When they got there,Scrooge tight, their Hands behind their back, and locked them in a storage room. The room had a few boxes and a window that was Basically on the Ceiling. Mason and RJ were sitting in chairs that were back to back from each other. we are never getting out of here, said Mason you're the one facing the window, you have a better chance of getting out of here then I do, said RJ. you really think I would leave you here, without you i'm lost, said mason. If Margaret were here it would be different wouldn't it, asked RJ. yes but she isn't here, and I probably would have found her by now, if you guys would give me a chance to,yelled mason tears began to roll down his face. They sat there not speaking to each other for a while; so, are we gonna try to get out of here, or are we gonna be stuck here for life? asked mason. If we work together, we can get out of here,said RJ as he Untied the rope from his hands. How did you do that, asked mason. DJ taught me how to untie myself if I ever got captured, said RJ. you were one weird kid, said mason. RJ shrugged, I've heard worse come out of your mouth, he said. Mason rolled his eyes.

All of a sudden the window broke, RJ quickly untied his brother from the chair, and told his brother to be quiet. Bear killer come out, come out wherever you are, said a very deep, and creepy voice. RJ hid behind one of the boxes. The man was Wearing infrared goggles so he found RJ and Mason Right away. He went over to the boxes that the brothers were hiding behind, he Knocked them over leaving them face to face, with the man. The man was wearing a black Ski mask, and infrared goggles so you couldn't see his face. All they could see was his beak. Wh- who are you, asked RJ. "ah RJ, Always asking so many questions just like your mom". RJ and Mason looked at each other in confusion and shock. You knew our mom? Mason asked. I know every single Person that I have captured , and killed and your next said the man, and because you will die in two Seconds they call me The Shadow the man said. The shadow that is the dumb's name I have ever heard, said mason as he began to laugh. I don't see any Humor in this, unless you laugh at the face of death, said the shadow, as he took a sword out of its sheath. Mason ran away as fast as he could, from the man that was trying to kill him, but the shadow chased him in every direction he went. RJ went in front of his brother using his dagger to stop the sword from hitting Mason,get away from my brother, RJ said as the Weapons collided into each other. If I can't kill him I will kill you, said the Shadow. At that moment RJ wanted to kill the Shadow,  but mason saw a way out of the room,RJ come on. I got the door open, said Mason as he grabbed his brother's arm, and pulled him through the door. This isn't over bear killer, the Shadow yelled as the brothers left the money bin.

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