Chapter 18 Woodchucks

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            The next day.Okay woodchucks you have to map an island that hasn't been mapped yet, and you must do it in partners, said the woodchuck leader. That will be too easy for RJ and Della. I mean, are they really woodchucks? They barely Join us because they are to Busy going on adventures. In fact  I have an idea if they can map bear killer island, I will call them woodchucks, a Beagle boy deal said RJ. . RJ and Della were in the mansion.   They were packing, our you sure this is a good idea. I mean you made a deal with a Beagle boy, said Della. I'm tired of people doubting us said RJ. RJ closed his suitcase, We Just need each other. we don't need Uncle Scrooge's villains to like us said Della. I know I'm  just tired of being the underdog,Said RJ. Okay but you're going to get yourself killed, you don't need everybody to love you. you just need a few  good people, said Della. come on let's go said RJ In a  mad tone.Della got on the plane and RJ followed, are you mad at me asked RJ.  Yes you're going to get yourself killed, and it will be my fault said Della. It won't happen, and I know I don't need people I just need you, I'm sorry said RJ. I'm not losing you again said Della. RJ and Della kissed each other. I will follow you wherever you go, said Della even if I'm an idiot asked RJ, even if you're an idiot said Della.

        One hour later, the plane landed on bear killer island. Well, we're said Della,  they  heard  a dog bark,what was that? asked Della, an old friend said RJ. RJ went outside, and the dog pinned RJ to the ground ,and licked his face. I'm missed you to ash, said RJ. Della came outside, so this is your friend? asked Della yep he saved me said RJ. . Ash growled at Della. It's okay boy you're going to have to get used to her said RJ, Della walked over to ash. Ash smelled Della. Della patted ash on the head RJ and Della walked until it was sunset. RJ had a new smell, and they licked each other's faces  a lot, Ash thought.It's almost night we should go to the cave, said RJ. You really do know this island like the back of your hand, said Della and I hate that about me, said RJ. If you weren't stuck on this island when we were ten, I wouldn't have you In my life said Della. I guess there is good in the bad, said RJ. Della and RJ walked to the cave well. I was hoping I would never have to see this cave again. Said RJ ah RJ their are wolves in here. Said  Della, a wolf grabbed RJ lag, ah yelled RJ. RJ was dragged into the cave. RJ yelled Della. Della ran into the cave, the wolves were licking RJ's. Face, stop it said RJ as he  was laughing. You gave me a heart attack. I thought you were being eaten, " said Della, " a wolf came up to Della." I'm not being eaten but you might be , " said RJ. Why I thought you said that there were tame, said Della. I never said that, said RJ the wolf growl at Della, chief bad dog  said RJ the dog back off. Did you name all the wolves? asked Della, no I just named the two of them said RJ.  Della  got up off the ground, are you okay asked RJ yeah I saw my life flash before my eyes said Della. I won't let anything bad happen to you from now on said RJ. Della kissed RJ I know you won't, said Della. Come on, let's go set up camp said RJ. Della was getting rocks, and RJ Was getting sticks for the fire.Well that should be enough said RJ.  RJ went back to the cave do we have everything we need, asked Della everything except the fire said RJ, I will start the fire you get the food said Della. RJ grabbed the food from his backpack, Ash also grabbed food from RJ's backpack. I think we're not the only ones that are hungry, said Della. RJ and Della laughed, after they ate they went to bed, RJ hugged Della all night. The next day Della kissed RJ. Come on, let's go get that badge said Della and prove everybody wrong."said RJ. ash grabbed RJ's sleeve, and dragged him into the river, Della ran after RJ. RJ yelled Della fear was in her eyes, RJ grabbed Della and threw her in the river . I know that you're scared  but nothing bad is going to happen said RJ. RJ got out of the river, come on, said RJ. Della ran after RJ Della. watch out, yelled RJ. Della almost fell in a hole. RJ grabbed Della, Are you okay? asked RJ yeah said Della.  RJ kissed Della.  Della and RJ walked.  Ash growled what is it boy, asked RJ I think there is someone else here said Della.

. But only we only  know about this place, said RJ. Come on, let's go see who's here.said Della RJ and Della walked over to a man. What are you doing here? asked RJ Goldie O'Gilt wants these dogs, said the man. The pack of wolves were in cages.
Where is she asked Della, follow the path of footprints. the man in a mean voice don't talk to her like that said RJ. Ash looked at his pack and wipered, its okay boy we will get them out said RJ. come on Let's go stop the con artist said Della.RJ and Della followed the path of footprints Goldie yelled Della, what are you doing here and where is your uncle asked Goldie, Uncle Scrooge isn't here. said Della and we came to ask you the same question said RJ. Wait who are  you? asked Goldie I'm RJ and why do want these wolves asked RJ. these wolves are dangerous, said Goldie no they're not, they saved my life said RJ. All right, kids I will make you a deal, you can take one of them home and  try to convince Scrooge to save the dogs for two hundred dollars said Goldie, deal said Della. RJ and Della finished the map, and went back to the plane. Ash followed them come on boy, said RJ ash went into the plane. when they got back to Duckburg.  You know Uncle Scrooge isn't going to help us. If he sees a dirty dog, Della said, good thing I have a plan. I will bathe  Ash, and you bring the map to the woodchucks said RJ. Della went to the other woodchucks. RJ grabbed a basketball, and turned on the water. Hey boy, do you want to play fetch? asked RJ ash barked, RJ threw the basketball into the water and ash jumped into the tub. RJ put sop on the dog. Ash didn't like that, Ash shook all the water off of him and RJ got all wet. ash said RJ. Donald opened the door, no wait, RJ was cut off open the. Ash jumped out of the tub and ran into the living room. Wow what was that asked Donald. nothing said Della where have you been, asked Donald I brought a map to the woodchucks said Della. "RJ why are you all wet" asked Donald ah I don't know what you are talking about said RJ, never mind said Donald. Donald left,  you lost the dog didn't you asked Della. RJ scratched the back of his head ya said RJ, come on let's go find ash before Uncle Scrooge comes home, said Della. "I have an idea where he is" RJ went into his bedroom, and Della followed. They found ash cuddling RJ's old teddy bear. I knew he would be here. He always plays with that old thing,and he stole my spot said RJ. the door opened  in RJ room. Kids what have you been hiding asked Scrooge, nothing said RJ and Della at the same time. Ash barked, Scrooge walked over to ash. You've been hiding a dog, asked Scrooge ya but he is actually a wolf said Della. a wolf, you brought a wolf into the mansion Scrooge said, in an angry voice. Look, we need your help, ash's pack is in trouble. Goldie wants to kill them because she thinks they are dangerous, said RJ. She doesn't want the wolves. she wants the gold, said Scrooge. There is no gold on the island. Said RJ and Goldie will only give you the wolves for two hundred dollars, said Della. I think we should out con a con said RJ. that a good idea, lad said Scrooge.

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