Chapter 47 A woodchuck adventure

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RJ was in the study trying to figure out where map leads to, he knew it would be some sort of  sunken treasure, but he had no idea where to start.
Suddenly, I heard someone knock on the door, come in, I said. At that moment, I saw Huey peeking his head out from behind the door. Hey kiddo, I said as soon as I saw Huey.
Huey's p.o.v
Dad, me and my friends need your help getting our Paleontology badge, I said.
RJ's p.o.v
Wellp you know that is impossible right, I said Huey nodded and looked at his feet. I'm kidding, I'm always up for a challenge I said. At that moment I saw Huey's eyes light up. He then ran out of the study, nearly running into Uncle Scrooge.
Scrooge's p.o.v.
You know they're not aloud in here right,I asked. That is your rule. Not mine, and Huey is not going to blow anything up like the rest of us would, RJ said. Fair enough, what's he so excited about, anyway, I asked. He wants me to help him do the impossible, RJ said. And what is this impossible thing you're going to help him with, I asked. He wants me to help him find a dinosaur fossil, RJ said. Wellp good luck with that, I said as RJ left the room; that kid has come long way, I said to myself.
RJ's p.o.v.
I walked down the hallway towards the front door. out of the corner of my eye, I saw Huey sitting on his bed, staring at some thing he looked sad, so I went into his room, and saw what he was looking at. His junior woodchuck uniform had a thousand holes in it. Dad ash ripped my outfit, he said in a sad voice. I looked at the piece of clothing in ash's mouth. I looked closely at the piece of cloth in ash's mouth. I realized that there was a little piece of hamburger on it. Well I know who's the culprit, I said.
Who, Huey asked A hamburger, I said. A What, wait a minute you mean I can't blame this on Dewey or Louie, Huey asked. I nodded. Well
Huey's p.o.v.
I guess I can't go if I don't have a uniform. Hay whatever happen to rule 841, my dad said. Theirs always another way around, I said.
RJ p.o.v.
Right, I'll  be right back I said. Huey nodded. I walked down the stairs and walked towards the garage. Only to realize that the door was locked. What in the world, I mumbled to myself. Uncle Scrooge, then came up behind me with a key, Uncle Scrooge why is the door locked, I asked. Too many dangerous artifacts, he replied, I nodded. Uncle Scrooge then unlocked the door, I went inside the garage and found my box of old stuff. I looked through it. and as I did the memories I had came back to me. Eventually. I found what I was looking for, and went back upstairs to the boys bedroom. Here kiddo try this on I said as I walked into the room. Wait a minute, is this yours he asked. I nodded. Wow look at all your badges, Huey said. I nodded as I took the badges off the uniform. What are you doing, Huey asked. I don't need these anymore, it's your turn to add your own badges to this, I said, Huey smiled.
Meanwhile, no one p.o.v
Dewey ran over to his mom, hey mom can we go on an adventure together, today, he asked. I'm sorry kid but your brother will have to come with us, Della said. No, no, there is no way I'm coming, I'll just go with Uncle Scrooge, Louie said. You can't come with me do you remember what happened last time, Scrooge asked. Yea I was bored out of my mind, Louie said. I will look after him, Jade said. At that moment RJ came down the stairs, are you sure he can be a handful, he said. Louie looked at his dad in an annoyed expression. RJ just laughed. I think I can handle my little brother for a few hours, Jade said. Della and RJ nodded before heading out the door with Huey and Dewey fallowing them.
Jade's p.o.v.
So what do you want to do, I asked nothing Louie, said. Nope we are not going to sit around and do nothing, Cole said. As he picked up Louie. Hay put me down, Louie said. Cole dropped Louie. I did mean it like that Louie said. I have an idea, we could go to the abandoned part of Duckburg I said.

We gathered our things and set off towards the outskirts of Duckburg, where Old Quackertown lay shrouded in mystery. The sun was setting, casting long shadows and an orange glow over the deserted streets. The air was thick with the scent of rust and overgrown vegetation.

As we ventured deeper into the abandoned part of the city, we passed by crumbling buildings with boarded-up windows and faded signs. Louie, ever the inquisitive one, led the way with his flashlight, illuminating our path through the maze of deserted factories and warehouses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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