Chapter 22 My past

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RJ and Della were nineteen. Della kissed RJ, wake up RJ Della said. come on kids, Scrooge yelled from downstairs. Well let's go see what adventure we can today, said RJ. RJ and Della went downstairs, where are we going today Uncle Scrooge. asked Della, you four are going to go to see Jake said Scrooge. please tell me he's coming here, asked RJ and Maise at the same time, you're going there, sorry kids said Scrooge. No way I'm not going into that house again said RJ. Della knew that RJ was scared. RJ went upstairs, and Della followed him. RJ was in his  room. Are you, okay asked Della. I don't want to go back to my old house. All the memories of that house are bad, every time I would do something wrong, Jack would hurt me, RJ. Nobody's going to hurt you said Della, RJ and Della kissed. RJ and Della went back downstairs. Ready to go, asked Scrooge, ya said RJ. Twenty minutes later they were at RJ's old house. Uncle Scrooge, you can't leave me here, said Maise. Jack is not here, nothing bad is going to happen, said DJ. DJ  what are you doing here, asked Maise, I live here now, said DJ. I'm going to be late, said scrooge. Where are you going? asked RJ. I have a meeting with Glomgold, said scrooge. Scrooge left, I haven't seen this place in Forever, said RJ. Remember we can face anything together, said Della, outside is okay it's inside the house I'm worried about. said RJ we won't go inside, said Della. RJ and Della kissed, come on, I want you to show you something, said RJ.RJ walked to a tree, and opened a trapdoor, are you coming? asked RJ. Della and RJ went in the, Trapped door. The room was filled with Inventions, did you make all this asked Della. RJ Scratched the back of his head, yeah I know it's not very good, said RJ. Are you kidding, you were five years old when you made these, you could get a robotics  badge said Della. Inventing was one of the only things That will take my mind off of adventuring when I was a kid, but when I met you that all changed, said RJ. Della kissed RJ. Come on kid yelled Jake from inside the house. RJ went through a tunnel that led to RJ's room. Della followed RJ was looking around his room. RJ are you okay? asked Della. haven't  been in here forever, said RJ as tears fell down his cheeks. RJ wake up, said Della. RJ was breathing heavy. You had a nightmare, didn't you asked Della. Yeah, I don't want to become him said RJ.  you will never be Jack, you are better than him said Della. RJ and Della kissed.

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