Chapter 7 criminal or father

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Della and RJ were in the mansion, I'm glad to be back home, said RJ and I'm glad that you're okay, said Della. I wasn't about to leave you, said RJ. Come on kids said Scrooge, where are we going? asked Donald. your dad needs help, said Scrooge, what did he do this time asked Della. I have no idea, said Scrooge. let's go find him, said Donald. the kids were in the plane, Della go to fowl , said Scrooge. fowl said RJ, aren't those the bad guys asked Donald. yes said Scrooge, when you said that dad was in trouble I thought you meant he was eaten by something, not kidnapped said Della. ya because being eaten by a monster is much better than being kidnapped joked Donald. Donald, this is really not the time, said Scrooge. Meanwhile, in fowl, "why are you doing this" asked Quackmore, because your kid's friend took away my confidence, said Raven. So why am I here? asked Quackmore. you're probably here as beat, said RJ. well well well, we meet again bear killer, said Raven. you work for fowl said Della, bingo, said Raven. you won't be here for very long, said Donald. it took long enough for you to get here squawky said RJ, don't call me that said Donald. Donald got mad and ran after Raven. RJ went over to Quackmore and cut the rope that was tied to his hands. I thought I told you kids to wait whose idea was this, said Scrooge. RJ and Della pointed at Donald and Donald pointed at RJ. RJ you're grounded when we get home said Scrooge. If you get home said, a man, I know that voice, said RJ. My boy come home, said the voice, RJ turned around and saw his dad. Dad I was hoping I would never see you again said RJ, that is no way to talk to me or did you forget what I do to you when you don't listen said the man why should I care you abandoned me you left me for dead all because I wanted to do something with you, and your not my family said RJ. RJ was crying, the man ran towards RJ with a knife in his hand. Jack don't touch him said Quackmore, why do you care he's not your family, you don't even care about your own kids you're just a criminal said Jack. I was a criminal because I had to protect my kids, said Quackmore. dad you lied to us said Donald and Della Quackmore nodded. RJ, choose you can come with me, or I kill your friends. Jack said they are not just my friends they are my family, and you will never hurt them promise me, that you won't hurt them, I will do anything you want said RJ. deal said Jack, no RJ don't listen to him, he will kill you said Della. I don't have a choice, now let them go said RJ. a deal is a deal said Jack Della, Donald, Scrooge and Quackmore left, Uncle Scrooge RJ is gone said Della. he will find a way out said Scrooge, but what if he can't, Jack is coming for us said Donald. RJ will figure something out, Scrooge said, if he doesn't die, said Della. back at fowl. dad let me go, said RJ, stay here, kid said Jack, I don't have a choice, said RJ, Della I wish that you were here, RJ said to himself. back at the mansion, Della where are you going asked Quackmore. I'm going to find RJ said Della, look he made a choice and that choice was to save your life, that is a good friend said Quackmore. he's not just my friend, I love him, and he loves me that's why he chose his life over mine. he saved my life,  and I'm going to save his said Della. You are not going anywhere said Quackmore. It was night and Della was sneaking out of the mansion, "I'm coming  RJ" Della said to herself. Back at fowl, RJ saw the security cameras, and he saw Della. Miss me, Della asked. Della you came back said RJ, I would never leave you said Della. Della opened the cell door, I thought I would never see you again I thought I lost you forever said RJ. come on let's get out of here said Della, RJ and Della crawled through the vents, we made it said RJ. I missed you Della and RJ said at the same time, Della and RJ kissed. why did you do that asked Della, because I love you, and I will do anything for you said RJ. happy birthday Jay, said Della, I don't think I've ever had this crazy of a birthday in my life said RJ. Come on, let's go home, and scare Donald said Della. RJ and Della went into the mansion, Della, where have you been asked Scrooge, she left to go find me, said RJ. lad you're alive said Scrooge. Della I thought I told you to stay home said Quackmore, I couldn't Just leave RJ said Della, you could've been killed said Quackmore, it's all part of the adventure said Della.

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