Chapter 1. the game isn't over

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- some play games, some are the game -

Black painted nails were in steady rhythm tapping on a pizza box in man's hands

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Black painted nails were in steady rhythm tapping on a pizza box in man's hands. Humming quietly to himself, his dark eyes were patiently waiting for a door in front of him to open.

A couple of blocks away police siren was mixing itself with the usual evening havoc of the city. Somewhere down the corridor children screamed, playing their innocent games.

The apartment complex was dark. Lighting in the corridor flickered every time the man slightly adjusted the weight of his body from one side to the other. The pizza delivery uniform, too tight around his upper arms. The guy, wearing it before, too lanky...but it would do.

A corner of the man's lips twitched into a pleased smirk when the door finally opened, revealing a boy in his teens, his face sporting a bored expression, jet black hair ruffled to all the sides, and a dangling earring with a crescent moon on its end, sparkling on his ear.

"Pizza delivery," Kim said instead of greeting and shoved the pizza box in front of the boy's face.

"Thanks, man!" The boy grabbed the pizza, impatiently putting his hand on the doorknob, most likely counting the seconds when he could be back in his room to play his PS4 or watch something his mom wouldn't be really proud of if she knew.

Kim smirked, "nice earing."

Before the boy could even say as much as a simple thank you, Kim lashed himself at him, sinking his teeth into the boy's ear, arms locking around the fighting body, until he bit off the ear lobe, spitting it out on his open palm. The moon earring, now gorgeously covered in Kim's favourite colour, made him smile. He looked up at the boy ashen in the face, tears already out, pressing both of his hands on his ear or what was left of it, the blood trickling down his forearms until it reached the edges of his body, freefalling on the floor.

"Now it's mine!" Kim grinned, his fist colliding with the boy's face harsh enough that he could momentarily relish in that sweet sound of the skull cracking.

The boy's body dropped to the floor, not yet dead but not alive enough anymore to be of any trouble for Kim during the next part of his plan.

Kim stepped over the body and walked deeper into the apartment. There was a light on in the kitchen and the pleasant notes of Louis Armstrong's 'What a Wonderful World' were coming out of the radio.

"Hmm, yes. What a wonderful world...especially tonight," Kim walked in.

"Oh, mommy's here!" he sing-sang, clicking his tongue as we watched a woman in a dark blue dress, white apron and light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, turn around, knife in her hand slipping from her fingers and clacking down on the floor.

Oh, should have kept that knife.

"Who are you? Where's my son?"

She tried. She really tried to sound strong, Kim could give her that, but the quiver of her lips and the frantic movement of her eyes, as if she was trying to find her son even though she knew he wasn't there, sold her out.

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