Chapter 26. heavenly

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— Kissing him... always kissing him. That's how I want to live. That's what I'm dreaming of —

Covered in Kim's hickeys, Chay could stay like that forever

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Covered in Kim's hickeys, Chay could stay like that forever. 

"Nice house," Kim mumbled with his lips on Chay's as they stumbled through the front door of a small beach house.

"Thanks," Chay deepened the kiss.

The floor creaked under their urgent and heavy steps when, with hands all over each other, they were trying to find the bedroom.

"Too many fucking doors in this damn house!" Chay groaned, frustration fogging his mind.

Kim smirked, barging through the last doors they hadn't tried yet. His smirk got even wider when his eyes landed on a king-sized bed in the middle of the bedroom.

"That's 'cause this was the last option," Chay huffed, and right after letting out a squeal as his body hit the soft bedsheets and Kim hovered right above him, hands by both sides of Chay's head.

"Anything my Sparky says," Kim said, his smirk melting into an all-consuming hunger, his lips ghosting over Chay's lips, barely holding themselves from devouring every inch of Chay's body.

"Too late to say that I have no condoms with me?" Chay asked. One of his arms sneaked around Kim's neck, fingers brushing through fade-out blue hair.

Kim chucked, "I can't be cleaner than I am, Chay."

For a second, Chay thought that Kim was just joking. There was no way that... but Kim's eyes were so earnestly looking down at Chay. So he let those words slip his lips, "you...never?"

"You think that someone ever wished to be so close to me, Sparky? Only you are fool enough to do that."

"Being a fool isn't that bad then." Chay smiled, and then he bit his bottom lip, "I'm clean too. Actually, it's been a while since—"

Kim didn't let Chay finish those words. He crashed their lips together in a harsh and claiming kiss, leaving Chay's body panting for air.

"I don't care who fucked you before me and you won't care soon either," Kim growled in Chay's ear, teeth grazing over the sensitive skin right behind Chay's ear, his lips kissing the spot right after.

"I don't even remember them," Chay breathed out. It wasn't a lie. Right at that moment, so close to Kim; under his burning touch and earnest eyes, Chay couldn't think of anyone else being this close to him. So intimate. And he didn't wish to remember anyone but Kim. Kim. Kim. Kim.

"Hmm, my good boy," Kim purred, his hands wrapping around the hem of Chay's shirt and pulling it off Chay's perfect body beautifully captured under Kim.

It wasn't the first time that Chay was half-naked in front of Kim, but this somehow felt different. Chay could feel the heat from the pit of his stomach spreading all over his body, setting atom after atom on fire. He could almost see his cheeks getting rosy. It was ridiculous. It was ridiculous how much Kim could make Chay feel just by simply looking at him.

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