Chapter 16. oxygen

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— I breathe, I always do, but only when he is here, it doesn't feel like dying —

— I breathe, I always do, but only when he is here, it doesn't feel like dying —

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Chay didn't talk to Kim for three days.

Or no, that wasn't the right word... Chay did talk to Kim, but it didn't feel like their type of talk. It was just full of "here's gym if you have too much energy to spare," or "usually, we have meetings every Monday at 10 am in the conference room, that's on the first floor, I'll show you later." Or "weapons are in the basement. We'll go there before our first mission."

However, all of that was what Kim could swallow. It turned worse when Chay started saying things like "I'm tired," "not right now Kim," "leave me alone," "I think you should spend some time in your room too," "we'll talk later..." and so on and so forth.

After Chay's minor episode, Kim thought that things between them got better. Chay wouldn't let Kim hold him so close for so long, be so vulnerable in front of Kim if it wasn't getting better, right? Kim didn't expect Chay to forgive him so quickly, or if ever, but just allowing Kim to be around was more than enough for Kim. It felt nice to belong somewhere, to be a part of something... whatever it was when he and Chay were when they were around each other. Kim felt needed and useful, comforting Chay until he stopped crying, until they went from sitting in complete silence to talking for hours to sit in silence again but way lighter and way softer silence wrapped around them like a warm blanket until Kim remembered he still had Chay's phone and handed it to him.

Such a simple and thoughtful gesture broke the moment, lifted the magic, and woke up the scarred memories buried deep in Chay's eyes.

Kim could still feel on his skin the moment Chay stood up, leaving Kim's arms empty and his skin colder than before. He could still hear the slight shift in Chay's moves. It sounded almost like a buzz of radio when you are trying to find the right station. He could still taste the bitterness in the air when Chay quietly put back on his shirt, plugged in his phone and, to Kim's surprise, grabbed the knife from the table and handed it to Kim, who was still down on the floor.

"If you don't mind, I would like to keep Moonshine for a while... only Moonshine."

So Kim got up and left Chay's room, but with that, it felt as if he also left all the little progress they had made. All left behind; Chay, his progress with Chay, even Moonshine... all safe in Chay's room.

Safe from Kimhan the Executioner.

And after that, asking for Chay's number suddenly felt like the hardest thing in the world.


Kim threw his own phone next to him on the bed and groaned. It wasn't as if Chay was ignoring him. Kim never wanted to return to that short period of time which felt like forever to him, when Chay used to ignore him completely. And this definitely wasn't it, but Kim missed Chay. For the first time in his life, he missed someone.

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