Chapter 13. on the edge of a knife we dance

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— people think they understand you...they don't —

they don't —

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Chay thought that if he would ever get back to the Heist Squad, back to his room, to the comfort of his bed...he thought that he would feel all of that.

But he didn't.

His bed was soft. The sheets so warm. His room safe. But love...

Chay felt ridiculous. This was what he wanted. He wanted his brother to not be suspicious and just let him go to his room and stay there until he would feel like a human again. But now, after hours in his bed, woken up multiple times from nightmares that were nothing but pitch darkness choking him over and over again until he couldn't breathe, Chay wished to have someone around. He wished for his brother to be more attentive, to press a little bit demand why it took Chay so long to bring Kim there? Why did he look so pale? Why? Why? Why?

But no. It took Chay to say a simple — I'm okay — and Porsche let it be. Just like he let it be when their parents died.

But what if Chay wasn't okay? What if he needed a hug, a kiss on his forehead? A simple — I'm here if you want to talk

Why it was that Chay felt that he had received more attention from Kimhan in the last couple of days than from his brother in years?

Chay felt ridiculous. He missed Kimhan's company.

Kimhan hurt him. Almost killed him.

Kimhan saved him. Paid attention to him.

Kimhan Kimhan Kimhan.

No one really saw how lonely Chay felt. Yes, Porsche almost got it. He almost understood but not really. Porsche thought that Chay was lonely and that he needed someone from outside, someone like Kimhan the Executioner who wouldn't be afraid of him, to keep him company.

But that wasn't it.

Until now, Chay just needed more of his brother's attention. Porsche was the only one Chay still had from his family. The only one who was still reminding how it felt when they were all happy. However, slowly but surely, Porsche started to drift away. First, it was only the game of chess once a week instead of twice. Then it was lunch together only when Porsche wasn't busy instead of every weekend. And then it was only "oh, Chay, I need you for this..." instead of "how's my little brother doing? Everything's alright?"

Somewhere along the line, Chay started feeling like the Heist Squad leader's weapon instead of his brother.

Chay understood that Porsche had Kinn. And that was alright. Chay was happy for his brother. Porsche deserved to be loved unconditionally, honestly, passionately... But didn't Chay deserve the same?

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