Chapter 51. (Not) The Craziest Thing

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— he worships me —

They took the stairs down into the basement. Walked past all the parked cars and headed their way towards the room where the squad was shelving all of their weapons. Chay still hadn't said what the present was, and Kim felt like an impatient little child who knew that he would get a present, but waiting for it was almost worse than if there was no present at all. Well, of course, Kim wasn't really familiar with that feeling because there were no presents and no parents during his childhood, but it probably couldn't feel much different from the feeling he was feeling now.

Recognizing the direction they were going, Kim tried again, "am I getting new knives?"

They were almost in front of the room when Chay stopped and shaking his head, he turned around to Kim, "no... no knives, but needles."

Kim felt stupid. He had no idea what was chay talking about, and he hated it when he couldn't immediately understand Chay's mind.

The frustration must have shown on Kim's face because Chay pulled him closer and held up their joined hands between them, their fingers fitting together like nothing else could, "let me explain, okay?" Chay looked at their hands and then back at Kim. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume one day you want to marry me..."

One day? Kim would marry Chay even now, right now! Chay could never be wrong about that, but... "Sparky, you—"

"I'm not proposing," Chay quickly explained himself. "But... I also want to marry you one day, so—"

Kim still wanted to know what the present that Chay had for him was, but right now, he didn't care about that. He didn't care about anything just Chay's words 'but I also want to marry you one day' Chay wasn't proposing, but that didn't matter, just that simple sentence made Kim as happy as if Chay would. He wrapped his arms around Chay and held him up in the air, twirling with him around and kissing him all over his face again and again, and even more when he heard Chay's soft words of protest.

"Kimmy! Baby, I didn't say I'm proposing."

"But you said one day you will marry me," Kim kissed Chay's lips and slowly put him back down.

"You are ridiculous," Chay playfully rolled his eyes and hit Kim's arm.

"I'm happy," Kim replied, and the look on Kim's face right at that moment made Chay weak. This was the kind of pure happiness which was incredibly rare to see on Kim, and if all of that was a reaction to one simple sentence then Chay knew that he had made a good decision with Kim's presence. He might not have been entirely sure if he had been doing the right thing before, but now he was.

He smiled, interlocking their fingers again, "so... are you still curious about the present?"

Kim nodded, biting his tongue—he wasn't going to interrupt Chay anymore. He needed to know before he would go entirely crazy either by not knowing what the present was or by that one sentence which will forever stay in his mind; 'but I also want to marry you one day.'

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