Chapter 40. missed me?

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— my idea of fun? Planning the sweetest revenge with my lover —

The shreds of glass adorned with droplets of Chay's blood stared right at Kim as he stepped into the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning

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The shreds of glass adorned with droplets of Chay's blood stared right at Kim as he stepped into the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning. It's not that Kim completely forgot that it was there—more like he pushed it so far back into his mind that when he got to the bathroom, one more step and Chay's blood wouldn't be the only one on those shattered glass pieces. Getting rid of all the shreds, Kim thought that the only blood that actually deserved to be all over it was the blood on the person who made his Sparky cry. Who made his Sparky angry. Who made his Sparky afraid that he would lose Kim.


In Kim's opinion—yes, they should take revenge on Kinn. And Kim was going to do everything Chay was going to ask him to do. He'll do it eagerly. He'll do it with that thrill in his veins he loved so much whenever he was more of an executioner than a human. And that was exactly the catch right now. Two parts of Kim were fighting in him, trying to morph him into one or the other. On one side it was the human in him, the one that Chay was able to bring back, the one that Kim knew was the right option right now—the one that was going to help Chay with whatever revenge he wanted to take but also the one that in some strange way understood why Kinn did what he did. And then the other side was the executioner side which was screaming at Kim that if Kinn ever crossed Kim before Kim met Chay, Kim wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill Kinn in ways that would be extremely hard to imagine for a normal person. And it was true—if Kinn would pull some shit on Kimhan the Executioner instead of the version of Kim, he had become with Chay... Kinn would be already dead. It felt weird to push the old himself away completely and focus only on the new version that didn't see murder as the first option, but rather second or third. It was like an itch on his skin that he couldn't scratch away. But he knew that, in this case, killing Kinn wasn't an option. What he feared, however, was that he might know it better than Chay did.

Would Chay kill Kinn?


But did he think of it more than he should?

Kim would guess—yes.

Was it particularly bothering Kim?


But did he want to finally just be happy with Chay instead of suffering so much?


Kim was almost done cleaning the bathroom when Chay appeared at the door—eyes still half-closed, cheeks rosy from sleeping, leaning on the door frame.

Kim smiled, "my Sparky is already up? Good morning," he kissed Chay's cheek and let his hand settle around Chay's hips.

"Hmm, morning," Chay mumbled. "Sorry for the mirror."

Kim smirked, "you know I have a question—what's wrong with you, Sparky? First, you break my clock, now mirror, what's next? My bed?"

Chay chuckled and pushed Kim away, "ha, you wish!"

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