Chapter 44. blood & marrow

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— if there were a word stronger than love, it still wouldn't be enough to express what I feel for you —

— if there were a word stronger than love, it still wouldn't be enough to express what I feel for you —

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"Kinn and Tankhun are your brothers."

Kim felt his mind go blank. It was as if he didn't understand Chay's words. As if he didn't recognise those names and had no idea what the word brothers meant. Because it just didn't make sense. How could he be their brother? How could he feel useless, unwanted, like trash because his family didn't want him, because he didn't belong to anyone while his family was just there in the same fucking building? His blood family. No one was ever going to be as much of a family to Kim as his Porchay was, but this was different. This was his real family. A part of it at least. The part that was still alive, the part that by blood he really belonged to.

But why would they want him around?

And did Kim even want to become close with them? Since they knew each other, Kim didn't have one normal conversation with Kinn, and he couldn't forget what Kinn had done because it hurt Chay too much. And Tankhun? Kim hadn't even met him yet. What if Tankhun wouldn't even want to meet him?

Kim didn't think that he could do it. He couldn't face them. They would only see that he grew up into being a disappointment, a freak, a burden. Why would they want a brother like that? Why would anyone want a brother like that? They weren't with him their whole life and they were fine. It was only him who wasn't fine. It was only his problem.

Chay's touch was careful and gentle as if Kim would shatter if Chay cupped his face a little stronger. And Kim thought that maybe he would. Maybe one harsh move would cause him to finally break apart completely. But he needed Chay's touch more than anything now. His Chay was making him feel like he wasn't a failure, he wasn't unwanted, he wasn't a burden. Chay loved him so much and Kim wanted to drown in that love until he would suffocate. He just wanted to feel like everything was okay... because it was! Everything was okay. Nothing had to change if he didn't want it to change. He could just stay in Chay's arms and the rest of the world could go up in flames. He had promised to burn the entire world for Chay, but he knew that Chay would do the same for him, without any hesitation.

"Kim, baby, please say something," Chay sounded worried, and even though Chay stood right in front of him it was as if they were miles away.

Kim had to close his eyes and let himself feel nothing, but Chay's touch to ground himself, to put himself back into the present. To their room. Their room... to his Chay.


"I have... brothers?" Kim's voice sounded so foreign to him that he had to clear his throat and say it again, "I have brothers?"

Chay smiled, "you do, Kimmy. You do. Two older brothers who will be happy to have you back. When p'Tankhun comes back he is gonna jump out of his skin. That's just the way he is."

Kim shook his head, "I don't—I don't think I can..."

Chay pulled Kim into his arms, kissing his neck and shoulder, "it's okay, baby. You can take as much time as you need. It's okay. It's only you and I here. No one else. Only you and I."

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