Chapter 4. two sides of the same coin

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—  different kinds of fear, the same paralyzing feeling —

—  different kinds of fear, the same paralyzing feeling —

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Kim's arms around Chay felt like death.

Kim took him into his arms, not saying a word. Chay wanted to scream, curse him, push him away, cut that stupid SUNSHINE tattoo off his neck, feed it to Kim,  and then break every single bone in Kim's body until he would beg Chay to finally kill him. His anger was eating every fib of his body. The body that Chay didn't have under his control anymore.

Kim's power was paralysis. But that wasn't the dangerous part. What came after was. It hit Chay right away that Kim was the one holding all the cards now. Chay couldn't do anything. Not even beg Kim to release him. Porsche was wrong. It wasn't Chay who needed Kim to trust him, it was Kim who was going to have to work extremely hard after this to own Chay's trust.

That was...if Chay were to survive the upcoming hours or maybe days being Kim's ragdoll.

What was Kim going to do to him? Was he ever going to release him? Was he going to torture him? Kill him? Show Chay what exactly it meant to be handled by Kimhan the Executioner?

Just like Porsche said, Chay wasn't easy to kill, but he was pretty sure that right now he was the easiest target in the world. It was making him uneasy. It forced him to think. Their powers were like two sides of the same coin. Chay was making people do whatever he wanted while Kim was the one doing anything he wanted to people. Chay was the first time on the receiving end of power so similar to his. It both, made him understand how powerful he truly was, but also made him even more convinced that he was pretty fucked right now. His power didn't work on Kim but Kim's power worked on him.

Fucking unfair if you'd ask him. But he wasn't going to let it slide so easily. If Kimhan somehow magically let him go, Chay would make sure that it would be the last thing Kim was ever going to do!

Chay didn't like this. His mind was switching between anger and fear. Anger, that was understandable, but fear... He wondered if that was how people around him felt all the time. He wondered if that was how Time felt and that was why he wanted to leave.

It felt cold and sharp, cutting into Chay's bones, that uncertainty of not knowing what Kim's next move was going to be. The worst was that Chay couldn't even try guessing what was Kim going to do. Kim said it himself, he was beyond crazy. His brain didn't operate on the same level as the brain of a normal human would. Chay was convinced that Kim could come up with ideas insane enough that Chay wouldn't even dream about them.

So what now?

He couldn't move.

He couldn't talk.

He could just observe.

And unfortunately, he could also feel.

Kim carried Chay inside. Kim's skin was so hot to the touch that for a moment Chay wondered if Kim just like Porsche also had a fire in his veins even though he knew that it wasn't possible for two rogue heroes to have the same power.

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