Chapter 50. birthday boy

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— it's his day and his clothes and his life, and I'm his as well... I always will be —

Kim fell asleep before midnight

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Kim fell asleep before midnight.

That wasn't happening very often, but considering the lunch they had with Porsche, and the lunch with Kinn and Tankhun that was ahead of Kim, Chay wasn't surprised that by eleven Kim's head rested in the crook of his neck and Kim's arms were wrapped so tightly around his waist that he could barely move. Chay loved him like that.

Well, Chay planned to wish Kim a happy birthday right when the clock struck midnight, but he couldn't find it in himself to wake Kim up. Chay understood that lunch with his brother wasn't the easiest thing in the world for Kim. Maybe it was like a test so that Kim could see how he would do with his own brothers. Chay knew that Kim was scared. Kim didn't like to show it, but Chay could feel it. It wasn't weird. It didn't make Kim look weak. Chay thought that if he were in Kim's place, he'd be scared as well. Not so much scared of what could his new brothers do to him physically, but what kind of old wounds and badly processed traumas would they dig out—intentionally or unintentionally, it didn't matter, it would still hurt and mess with his mind.

Kim was doing significantly better than early on in their relationship and Chay was incredibly proud of him, but he was also constantly worried that something would happen that would tip him off back to where he was at the beginning. Maybe Chay shouldn't worry anymore—Kim was stronger than he even realised. But still, Chay couldn't help himself. Caring about Kim seemed to be part of Chay's nature now.

Before he fell asleep shortly after midnight, he pressed a kiss on Kim's temple and closed his eyes. When Porsche asked Chay what he wanted to gift Kim on his birthday, Chay didn't lie when he said himself, but he meant it in more than one way. Now, all that was left was the hope that Kim would like it.


When Chay woke up eight hours later, Kim was still asleep. The only difference was that he was no longer holding Chay's body captive. However, Chay wasn't free. Instead of Kim, now Moonshine was using his body as a pillow. He was curled up on Chay's stomach, head hidden under his fluffy tail.

Chay smiled, ruffled Moonshine's fur, and gently pushed him down on the bed so that he could move closer to Kim and wake him up with kisses. Moonshine purred under Chay's touch and, without any protest, curled himself into a little fluffy ball at the exact place Chay pushed him to.

After Moonshine no longer minded Chay's business anymore, Chay turned to Kim and scooted a little closer. Half of Kim's face was covered with his blue hair, which was starting to fade away again, his cheeks were freckled with a light shade of pink from sleeping, and his entire face looked peaceful. He looked so gentle... Chay couldn't wait for that gentleness to disappear later when he would have Kim buried deep inside of him, making Chay scream in pleasure.

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