Chapter 29. queen arabella

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— he thinks of me all the time —

Falling felt different with Kim's arms around him

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Falling felt different with Kim's arms around him.

Chay could smell scrambled eggs before he even walked into the kitchen. It smelled nice. It had been a long time since Chay had breakfast like that. He smiled, seeing Kim's naked back turned towards him. Kim's pretty little waist was basically begging Chay to wrap his arms around it, so he did. "Is not wearing a shirt one of your hobbies, or are you just trying to seduce me, baby?" Chay murmured into Kim's shoulder and kissed it before nuzzling his head in the crook of Kim's neck.

Kim turned off the stove and turned in Chay's arms to face him, "I don't think I need to do anything to seduce you, Sparky. I just exist, and you can't get enough of me."

Chay tilted his head to one side and dug his fingers deeper into Kim's waist, "oh really? Isn't it actually the other way around, Mr Obsessed Sparky?"

"It is," Kim didn't even try to deny it. He pressed their foreheads together, "I can't get enough of you. Never."

"I love you," Chay pecked Kim's lips. "Breakfast?"

Kim smiled, returning the peck, "breakfast."


"This is delicious!" Chay kept praising Kim's breakfast and at first, Kim enjoyed every second of it but after Chay said for a hundred and tenth time in less than ten minutes how good Kim's cooking was Kim started to feel the opposite effect of praise. Was his cooking so bad that Chay had to try his best to praise him to cover how he was forcing himself to eat it? Even though there was almost nothing left on Chay's plate at this point so it couldn't be that bad, right?

"Sparky, is the food that bad?"

Chay almost choked with the spoon still in his mouth, "huh?"

"You are praising it too much," Kim's shoulders fell and with a deep sigh he dropped his own spoon on the plate next to an uneaten small portion of scrambled eggs, "you can just tell me if it's not to your liking. I'll fix us something else next time."

"Whaf af you..." Chay finally took the spoon out of his mouth, "what are you talking about? This is freaking amazing! Was I rambling too much? I'm sorry, but the only thing I can cook is ramen. So, your having delicious cooking skills is super exciting, okay?" Chay took another bite and mumbled, "my boyfffiend if a greaf cook."

After seconds of Kim doing nothing but staring Kim reached out to Chay's cheek and wiped off the crumbs of eggs from the corner of Chay's lips, bringing the thumb to his own lips, "I think it tastes better from your lips, though."

A familiar heat crept on Chay's cheek. He pushed the empty plate away from himself and ducked his head, "stop!"

Kim chuckled and pecked Chay's cheek, "I had to learn how to cook because there was no one who would cook for me. And now I finally have someone I can cook for."

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