Chapter 48. a sense of calmness

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— when I know he will always be with me, nothing else matters —

— when I know he will always be with me, nothing else matters —

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"No!" Chay opened the door to his brother's room and walked in.

Three pairs of eyes stared right at him, two of them utterly confused and one completely relieved.

Tankhun asked first, "what no?"

"No. You are not organising a birthday party for Kim," Chay crossed his arms on his chest, and with his back, he leaned on the wall.

"Why not?"

"I want to."

"It will be his first birthday with us."

"We have to make up for all those years."


"Have you considered the fact that Kim would feel overwhelmed?" Chay interrupted the rain of words coming from the two brothers. "He doesn't even know how to feel about you two yet. And you want to organise a birthday party and make him the centre of the attention? Do you have a death wish? I might think twice whether I'll stop him from killing all of you or not."

"I have nothing to do with this," Porsche held up his hands in defence.

"We just want to show him that we care," Kinn sighed, sitting down on the bed, while Tankhun still kept standing.

"We thought that if we do something like this, he'll see that we think about him. That he really is our little brother," Tankhun added.

"I get you. I do," Chay nodded. "But this is not it. Look, if you want to be sure, I'll ask Kim if he would be okay with this, but I'm telling you right now, he would be not. You said it yourself—you asked me here because I know him better than you do. So I'm telling you, this is a bad idea... the worse. It would only trigger him."

Chay understood Kinn and Tankhun. He really did. And if things with Kim were different then their idea would be sweet and there would be no problem proceeding with it, but things weren't different and at the moment all Kim needed was stability instead of grandiose surprises. So, there was no way Chay was letting them to do this, but maybe there could be something else they could do.

"But we have to make something for him. It's his birthday." Tankhun suddenly gasped, eyes wide open, "wait! Did he ever get a birthday present? He did, right? Or at least Christmas..."

Chay pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head, "no, he didn't. In fact, if you want to know, on Christmas, he was watching other kids receiving presents and he got nothing, so that's fun."

The energy in the room shifted completely. The air was suddenly too heavy, hanging above their heads. A couple of moments had passed before Kinn spoke, "if we can't do the birthday party, then we should give him presents... maybe twenty-six—for every year."

Chay shook his head again, "you have to realize that you can't drop all your affection at Kim at once. It has to be a slow process, bit by bit. You want to get him presents? Do it! Of course! But not twenty-six. Maybe two or three. That's more than enough. Besides, do you even know what to get him?"

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