Requests! [closed]

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Hello there, Reader!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet since I know you want to get reading. Now, everyone always asks about requests, and here's the deal:

     • I'm familiar with all generations except Gen 9, as I haven't bought Scarlet/Violet yet. Try to choose another generation if possible, thank you! But otherwise, I've played the games, read the manga, collected the cards, watched the anime... you name it.

Please give me some details to go with. For example, Ash x Female! Reader, and then try to add some plot details/prompts if you want — Basically what you want to happen in the one shot.

     • There are two characters I absolutely won't do: Serena and Aaron. I have my reasons (you can ask).

• Only request 'x reader's, so no OCs or ships. Sorry.

So, request away! Remember, don't be a silent reader, and I always love to get feedback!

Bye for now,


—Order of requests I'm currently working on:

1. Black x Reader - Itxjustxmo [in progress]

2. Barry x Reader - xeonzy_132

3. Saturn or Mars x Reader - moltenberry

4. Arven x Reader - Dragonqueen1215


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