Paul x Reader || Faults Melt in a Blizzard

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"Paul, are you even human?!" With my hands clenched into tight, trembling fists, I hold nothing back against the wretched scene playing before my eyes. "Pokemon are our friends! Why can't you see that?"

His piercing gaze of unmelting ice darts towards mine, and he slowly turns around with a deepening scowl. After a Pokemon battling tournament that Paul lost, I'd noticed he'd left to train in the forest outside of the city more and more often instead of participating in Gym Challenges. Today was the day I'd finally confirmed my worries, he was mistreating his newest and youngest partner, Chimchar.

"It's absolutely none of your business." He mutters. "How I train my Pokemon doesn't affect you in any way. Chimchar needs–"

"Chimchar needs more kindness and love, not whatever you're calling this cruelty!" I cut in, stepping closer as my fury only was kindled by his dismissive response.

"You know nothing. You have only been a Pokemon trainer for what, two weeks tops? Give me a break." He dramatically rolls his eyes, but his gaze lingers on me a moment longer before he abruptly swivels around, taking out his partner's, Chimchar's, Poke Ball to return him.

When I glance at the tiny orange Fire-Type chimp-like creature, I can only see only bewilderment in its bright charcoal gray eyes. I run up to Paul and immediately wrap my arms around his arm. "Stop it, Paul! Chimchar doesn't want to go with you — can't you respect its wishes? No Pokemon would want to genuinely fight for a Trainer they fear!"

I tighten my grip on his arm to prevent him from returning Chimchar to its Poke Ball, and for some inexplicable reason, Paul's face begins to redden at the close proximity of us, although my burning hatred overpowered any embarrassment about the situation I might've had.

Without another word, Paul drops the red and white capsule to the ground and smashes it beneath his foot. "...Fine. Farewell." Paul wrenches his arms away from me and shoves his hands into his pockets, his expression softening by the slightest amount imaginable.

Before I can respond, he's made his escape, not once glancing back at me. I let out a long, drawn-out sigh in semi relief. "I'm... I'm sorry, Chimchar." I wasn't sure why I was apologizing all of the sudden, but I knelt down to be more at the small Pokemon's level.

I was about to tell it to live its own life or something along the lines of that, but it pointed to the crushed Poke Ball Paul left and then at me.

"You... want to join my team, then, huh?" I tilt my head, then burst out a broad smile. After shuffling around in my (f/c) backpack, I produce a similar but not damaged capsule. "Alrighty! Here we go."

Eagerly, I extend my hand with the Poke Ball in my palm. Chimchar returns my grin and taps the button on the sphere. Within a matter of mere moments, it was sucked into it with a flash of blinding light. Once the sudden illumination disappears, Chimchar is successfully captured.

I quickly let Chimchar out again and pet it affectionately. "Welcome to the team, Chimchar!" I exclaim warmly.

After that day, I didn't see the cynical lavender-haired male for a while. Since we were both partway through our Pokemon journeys across the vast Sinnoh region, we were bound to bump into each other rather frequently... right? But from some strange reason, I didn't see the sharp, constantly irritated glower of Paul for a long while.

In that time that I can safely assume he was avoiding me, the new addition to my team — Chimchar — evolved not only once, but twice, and was now a full blown, crazily powerful Infernape.

One day, almost half a year since the day Chimchar joined me on my adventure, I was exploring Snowpoint City all the way up north where the weather was pure blizzard temperatures one hundred percent of the time. Fortunately for me, my Fire-Type partner, Infernape, partially shielded me from the freezing cold as I trudged through the knee-deep snow.

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