Leon x Reader || Me Too

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"Hey, uh, (Y/N)? Can I come over to your place?" Leon's voice rang through my Rotom Phone, but his tone wasn't as bold, or confident as normal. The one and only Champion of Galar seemed utterly deflated, and worse than it was when he and Raihan got into fights.

I tucked the phone between my shoulder and my ear while I continued whipping up the Poke Puffs I was working on before his seemingly urgent call. "Sure thing, Lee! What time?"

I can hear him audibly exhale at my answer as if he were relieved beyond words. He didn't hesitate to reply, saying, "As soon as possible, please," he paused briefly. "Thanks."

Right after that, he hung up the phone and the small click at the end made me even more worried. What in the world happened to have him so down in the dumps? It is definitely not every day the undefeated Champion is like this, all gloomy sounding. Meaning, it had to be something rather on the more serious end of things.

Like... Maybe a family member passed away? A partner Pokemon of his ran off? Or did Hop finally, finally rebel and step out of his older brother's shadow?

I sighed. None of those made much sense in the least. I set down my phone and stared dismally down at the Poke Puff batter. With a huff of determination, I quickly set myself back into motion, hoping to finish up this small batch before Leon arrived.

Once I'd scooped the batter into the cupcake pans and put them in the oven to bake, I checked my phone for the time. It was still just a couple of hours after noon. I set a timer for the Poke Puffs, then plopped down on one of the stools beside the counter and waited.

I knew Leon would be here shortly — unless he got terribly lost on the way, of course — so I decided to scroll through my Rotom phone and let time pass me by.

Fortunately, it appeared he didn't get lost, as a knock on my apartment door signaled that he had come. I tucked my phone away into my pocket and walked over to the door. "Hi, Lee." I offer him a warm smile as he stands on the mini front porch, his usual ear-to-ear grin noticeably absent from his face.


The small word made the situation more uncomfortable than it usually was. Leon came over quite often, and we'd hung out late into the night countless times. But this time, something was off.

"Do you wanna come inside and talk about it?" I ask calmly, and his eyes widen. I'd hit the nail on the head, alright. There was something up.

He merely nods and follows me away from the kitchen and main room to my bedroom. I glanced at the timer on my phone as I sat down on my mattress, noticing that the Poke Puffs wouldn't be done for another short while.

To my surprise, Leon sat down right next to me when I assumed he'd take my desk chair or something. However, I shook it off. I was being crazy, there was no way he was being closer than usual.

"So, Lee. What's the matter? What happened?" I decided to speak up first after shifting my position to a crisscross one in front of him.

"Right, uh..." He scratches the back of his head, looking extremely nervous. Another thing that he isn't on a daily basis. "You know Sonia, yeah? Old Professor Magnolia's granddaughter who researches some of Galar's myths and legends and whatnot?"

"Yep. The peach-haired one with bizarre hair clips and can't drive a car properly. What about her?"

"Okay, so, this might seem really weird, but... We've been friends since those first days on our journeys all those years ago. I've kind of liked her for a really long time, and so, uh..." His golden eyes flick to mine.

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