Ash x Fem! Yandere! Reader || To See Your Smile

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Smiling tightly, I glance expectantly between my boyfriend and the female beside him. She had gorgeous honey-blonde hair and dazzling cyan-blue eyes that could make any guy fall for her. Although, her fidgety and fluttery demeanor and darting gaze weren't helping her case in the least. I turn to Ash, heavily plastering on happiness faultlessly, and asking politely, "What's the matter?"

"(N/N)..." The raven-haired Trainer glanced wearily between the girl and me. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you."

"Yes?" I instantly respond, eyes narrowing by the second.

Ash sighs. "Serena, she, um..."

I darted to the girl next to my boyfriend who flashed a candy-sweet, charismatic smile. She hooks arms with my boyfriend, tossing me a wink. "I don't think we've been introduced." Her tone screams of politeness, but the way she looked at him... "My name is Serena. I'm a coordinator, you may have heard of me."

I had, in fact, not heard of her. Nor had I ever wished to meet her, but here we are. Sugarcoating my voice with a facade of innocence, I return her serene greeting. If I pleased her, she'd leave. "Lovely to meet you. I'm Ash's girlfriend, (Y/N)."

I emphasized 'girlfriend', just to get the message across. I knew that it'd fly right over Ash's head, but to this new girl, it'd ring in her head for months, scaring her away. She was fragile and displayed it plainly. She was only another one of Ash's traveling companions, like Misty. Harmless. She'd be walking into the sunset alone, like all of his previous allies, and I'd have him back with me. No unnecessary contact with her was needed.

"Right! I'm delighted to meet another of Ash's friends." Serena's head dips in a small nod, and she tightens her grip on Ash's arm. Why was she so clingy? "Really, there is something we wish to tell you."

"And?" I maintain my composure but watch her like a hawk would her prey.

Serena steps forward a bit and puffs out her chest, a light dusting of pink on her cheeks, "We've decided to make it official. (Y/N), I'm sorry, but... Ash and I are dating."

I blink.

She was just pulling my leg, right? It's just a warped, twisted, backward joke. There's no way Ash would leave me for this prim and pretty little girl with perfect, practiced poise and a smile of glass, delicate, could shatter at any given moment.

Serena wasn't kidding.

The next thing I knew, I was at their wedding, bridal bells still echoing in my ears. They bought a home together and invited me over once for a dinner party. For all I knew, they were immaculately and eternally happy with each other... Why did she just pop up out of nowhere and win his heart? I was here first, I knew him better, I wasn't a vain little girl like her.

I knew one thing clear as day: I'd never want to see that wretched girl's face again.

In fact, I didn't want her to breathe again. She didn't deserve to live, after whisking away my boyfriend from under my nose so sneakily with her charming looks and her soft little giggle. Revenge was basically required, after what happened.

I couldn't control my fury either way. When I glanced in the mirror one day, the pupils of my eyes had faded out of the normal (e/c) and were now a blazing crimson shade. "Woah..." I murmur, admiring the new look in my reflection. Scarlet had always looked good on me, and this startling vermilion was just the right touch. It added a bit of a peculiar menace aura to my already twisted expression.

"You know what else would go great with this?" I ask myself, shuffling around in my drawers and closet. After a brief minute, I held up a mask, feeling successful. "Lovely," I mutter, flipping around the mask. It was made of relatively cheap material but only concealed my entire face, other than my eyes.

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