Zinnia x Reader || Heart to Heart

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As I was strolling through the city one day, I spotted a group of Team Break grunts surrounding Zinnia and one of her partners, the awe-inspiring protector of the sky and beyond, Rayquaza.

One of the masked men laughed at Zinnia as he cracked his knuckles, leaning close to her face and smirking, "Pssh! Who cares how legendary your Pokemon is! There's more of us than there are you, girlie! Get ready to eat dirt!"

The enormous green dragon-like creature known as Rayquaza screeched in response, which made the few gangsters cower in fear. The main masked man, who was clearly leading the party, regained composure and rudely scoffed with false confidence, "Th-think you can scare us off with a puny cry like that? Hah! We still outnumber you. Go on, crew. Surround her!"

"Hold it right there!" I rush up to Zinnia's side and shout, "You'll have to fight me first!"

Zinnia quickly turns to me and immediately smiles wide. She clasps her hands and exclaims, "Woah, look at you! Full points for that sweet, heroic entrance!"

I blush at the compliment but turn back to the cluster of Team Break thugs.

The man scowls. "Hah! You think you can boss me around, brat? Hope you like the taste of dirt then, 'cus now yer gonna eat it too!"

Zinnia's naturally red eyes go dull and angry at the threat as she growls, "You guys need some imagination."

The man flinches, "W-what's that s'posed to mean?!"

Zinnia giggles and puts her hands on her hips, "(Y/N) didn't save ME with her heroic entrance... She rescued all of you." Zinnia takes a battle stance and her expression turns wild as her short, dark hair flies around her face, "I was ready to beat you crooks to a pulp..."

The grunts all sweat drop, and I even take a timid step back when Zinnia unexpectedly cracks up once again.

"...but I'd rather not scar (Y/N) with a grisly image like that, so it looks like you're off the hook today." She finishes, glowering.

"What?" I ask, incredulous.

Zinnia continues to harshly scold the man and his fellow ruffians, this time with a mocking look on her face, "You really should thank (Y/N), who came just in the nick of time."

Rayquayza squawks once more, and I wave my hands to deny it. "That's not true!"

The man cries out anyway, "Aaaaah! R-retreeeeeat!!"

He and his group race as far away as they can, frantically scrambling to get away from Zinnia and me. After they left, Zinnia turned to face me, a confident smile of success gracing her face.

"That was quick..." She says, putting one of her hands on her hip.

"Are you okay?" I ask, a little shaken from the peculiar experience.

"Wait!" She leans close to me, making me slightly uncomfortable, but I am used to energetic Zinnia. She continues, "You weren't worried about me, were you? I'm totally fine."

"Glad you're alright." I slowly exhale in relief.

Zinnia laughs at my response, but then gets serious. Her eyebrows scrunch up as she sighs, "Those criminals thought they were gonna steal Rayquaza, if you can believe it. Hah! Maybe they think it was some kind of duty."

"I somehow doubt it." I nod.

"What about you? Have you ever thought about what your duty could be?" Zinnia asks.

I shrug, "Of course, but I don't think I really have a duty."

"That's totally okay. To be honest, I think that's how most people feel." Zinnia reassures you. "As for me... I believed that I had a duty once — a mission of great importance."

I put a finger to my chin thoughtfully, "I think you've told me about this before."

"Probably," Zinnia replies, "Anyway, I jumped through every hoop imaginable to fulfill that duty, trying everything I could think of."

"Did you fulfill it then?" I ask curiously.

"In the end, the person who accomplished it wasn't even me." Zinnia explains wistfully, as if recalling a bittersweet memory.

I take a sharp, worried breath and wonder, "Did that make you upset, Zinnia?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure." She says with a small smile, like she was over it already. "The point is, we can believe our destined purpose is one thing, but we're actually wrong. And that's okay."

"I see," I mumble.

"Live and learn, right?" Zinnia grins, "Right now, I'm figuring out what I want to do next. My recent steps have led me to this region, and I met you so I must be going in the right direction."

My face reddens, and when she thinks about what she said, a dusting of light pink creeps onto her face.

"Back to the point," Zinnia shakes her head, "It'd likely be good for you to think about what you might do in the future, (Y/N)!"

"Of course," I reply with a smile, which Zinnia earnestly returns.

"Think through it well and good, alright? The world's unpredictable-"

I interrupted, knowing what she was going to say, "You never know what's going to happen one day if the next."

She clasps her hands enthusiastically again, "Correct! That's why we've gotta use our imagination! To figure out how to fulfill our role in the world, no matter what happens."

"Yep," I agree.

"Thanks for listening to my ramble. It's nice to have someone to talk to, you know?" Zinnia smiles.

"Yeah," I smile at the energetic and optimistic girl in front of me with her Rayquaza, and I can't help but think, 'How can I be so blessed by Almighty Arceus to meet Zinnia?'


Author's Note:

Hey there! I based this one entirely on a Masters EX story, so give some credit to them, of course! This was requested by no one, I just wanted to write it! At the end of every oneshot, I'll have a fun question for you, as the reader, to answer if you'd like to talk Pokemon with me!

Question: What is your favorite character from Hoenn? Mine is, obviously, Zinnia!! Thanks for reading!


Word count: 1019 words

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