Guzma x Reader || Listen Up

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"You there, kid."

Instinctively, I turned to face the voice, recognizing it in the process of doing so. "Yeah? Don't tell me you're here to stop me or anything nonsense of the like, Nanu. This is my job, yours too. And don't give me the 'it's too dangerous' bit. I'm not a kid anymore." I replied steadily, stuffing my hands into my pockets and pausing my advance towards Po Town.

The graying hair of the aging man before me only shook his head in response, as if finding it useless to try and explain his train of thought to someone so thick-skulled as me. "No, I know there's no stopping you once you put your mind to it."

"Yeah, I know. And you know it too — there's no way in heck am I letting this gang of delinquents go around bossing people' 'round like it's their world." I scoffed, the faces of a duo of sneering grunts making me want to punch something.

Earlier in the day, a young Yungoos was stolen, for reasons that I couldn't care less about, and as far as I knew, it was being held as some sort of captive in Team Skull's headquarters, which was located in Po Town.

"Are you sure you've thought this through?" Nanu asks one last time, and I cast a wary glance at him. He may be retired, but Nanu was a policeman at heart. For him to be hesitant about this either meant this operation of mine to infiltrate Team Skull's base scared him or he was just looking out for me like the guy he was. "You'd better be ready if you're thinking of coming in here. Ready to live as Team Skull. Or ready to take on Team Skull."

"Got it, got it." I sighed heavily, giving him a dismissive wave. I was ready to fight — who cared about the risks? Being an officer like I was meant doing what needed to be done, doing what was right.

And as I stood on the outskirts of the small town, my determination didn't waver. I'd met the boss once, and he wasn't all his delusional followers praised him and claimed him to be.

Not even the rumbling thunder that wove through the darkening skies and accumulating clouds deterred my confident stance. While the outlook appeared dreary, no gloomy weather was going to frighten me.

Besides, I wasn't your average Jenny in the end.

However, Nanu continued to pester me with needless anxiety. "You really think you're ready for this?" He asks once more.

"Of course I am. Who are you kidding, Nanu? I can take a couple of battles — I'm no newbie begging for Nurse Joy after every time I encounter another trainer, after all." I grinned broadly, flaunting my capability by tossing up my partner's Poke Ball and catching it with a flourish. "And I'm not taking any funny business from lowly criminals like them. They can hardly call themselves an organization."

"I guess everyone has their own reasons. I've got my reasons, too, for doing what I do." He relents reluctantly, his dull, steely gaze sizing me up one final time. "I'll have them let you in. Oh, and if you don't make it, I'll be sure your remains at least get back home."

I punched his arm lightly. "That's my old man for ya. Thanks loads, Nanu."

To that, he chuckles lightly, turning to the city's outer walls. "All I can say now is good luck, kid, although you're so certain you don't need it."

"You know it." My grip on my main Pokemon's capsule tightened slightly as I faced the doors as they sluggishly opened, creaking in an ominous way.

The whole place was eerie to say the very least. The buildings were in shambles at best, the rest were caved in or torn down, and then used as a place to slather on more graffiti than I'd seen in my entire life. Everywhere you looked, a symbol or icon of some sort could be found — a cartoon-ish skull that adorned every member in this twisted group of wannabe punks, whether it was emblazoned onto their attire or tattooed across their skin in a flashy fashion.

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